Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Complete In The Lab 1 Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Essay

Complete In The Lab 1 Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Database on page AC 66 AC 67 at the end of Access Chapter 1. Perform all steps. Submit the total database file for grading - Essay ExampleA string supports a number of characters, mostly earn and symbols (Raghu & Gehrke, 2003). The following field is the first name of the sales rep, which is also a string. After the first name, the undermentioned field represents the street where the rep resides. This field is also a string and it supports the entry of numbers and characters.The separate field after the street is the city field. This is followed by the state field which is a string, as well. The states mission is in the short form. After the states entry the field that follows is the postal code. This code is in an integer field. The other records are the base pay and commission fields. The representation is in decimals. The entries of the values of the commission are strung-out on a calculation that is a percentag e of all the sales made by that

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