Monday, May 25, 2020

The Air Test And Evaluation Squadron One Military...

Within the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One military organization, segments of the squadron come together and perform various tasks to support and fly aircraft to meet the organizational goal of operational test and development. In accomplishing this goal, the squadron incurs joint costs when people from multiple departments travel across the globe to perform mission objectives (Hicks, 2010). The squadron travel budgets are smaller ceiling appropriation allocations of the larger National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized by Congress and the budget division ensures financial resources are spent wisely during each fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) or operating period (Hicks, 2010). The travel division monitors spending on 23 funding lines totaling $1.17 million where each funding line, referred to as different colors of money, is obligated for a specific travel appropriation or purpose. To manage these costs, the travel division is responsible for arranging travel accommodations, processing travel vouchers and claims, tracking Government Travel Charge Cards (GTCC) charges, and validating allocation of funds. Budget preparations begin by predicting future year requirements such as off-site pilot and flight crew flight-testing, off-site pilot and flight crew training, professional schools, occupational training, conferences, and other official travel (C. Sacksen, personal communication, September 19, 2016). To assist in budget execution,Show MoreRelatedInformation Tech3113 Words   |  13 Pagesthe candidates skills, qualities, and traits to ensure they are commensurate to what the Army expects of a warrant officer one. He said that individual skills and leadership capabilities are tested along with transition training from being enlisted to officer. * Copyright  © 2013, Inc. 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