Thursday, August 27, 2020

The First Impression Essay Example For Students

The First Impression Essay Pay close attention to me. No new charges. The very much prepared competitor yelled to his crowd. The group ejected in roots for and numerous Americans, this was their first enduring impression of prospective, President George Bush. He later proceeded to sign a bill executing the second biggest duty climb ever. The explanation that won him one political decision lost him the following. The American open made a drawn out judgment dependent on The First Impression Essay of this presidential up-and-comer. After the discourse, the media dominated, advancing Bush, and giving the individuals who didn't hear the discourse an impression of the applicant. As Americans discovered, believing a first judgment is a risky practice, for it doesn't take into consideration a reasonable long haul judgment of the individual being referred to. The initial introduction is affected by numerous elements, predominantly the physical appearance, ones own past encounters and different people groups decisions. For sure, initial introductions are perilous, however they are likewise inescapable, for it is a characteristic impulse that each individual is brought into the world with. We will compose a custom paper on The First Impression explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Take the exemplary clich You can't pass judgment flippantly. Not all things are what it is by all accounts. A youngster who was on a mission to wind up chose to do a trek over the United States. At the point when he arrived at the territory of Arizona, he got together with a man in worn out garments, muddled hair and needing a shower. In any case, the youngster fired up a discussion and saw this beggar as scholarly and lovely man regardless of his appearance. As night moved toward each proceeded to look for cover for the evening, yet before they left the wanderer said You think Im a bum, am I right? Being honest the youngster answered Yes. I am actually a mogul, the wanderer admitted, I dress and live along these lines since I need to be taken for who I am and not my cash. The vagrant is a prime case of how appearances can be deluding. While appearance is a piece of an initial introduction, so is a people past. Encounters structure the past impact choices and initial introductions of things to come. Take for instance the comfort storekeeper that had numerous issues with high school young men shoplifting stock. He has lost confidence in young men and will not confide in any adolescent kid, regardless of how fair he is, on the grounds that to the proprietor, every single high school young men are shoplifters. This feeling the proprietor has is hazardous in such a case that clients don't feel confided in a store, they will in general take their business somewhere else. Another model is the normal generalization of ladies. More in the past than now individuals were trained what was a keeps an eye on work and what was a womans work. This even proceeded into the 1960-70s where shop class (wood work) was for young men and home financial aspects was for young ladies. The womans development that turned out to be exceptionally radical during the 1960s and 1970s all things considered began in the late 1800s where ladies won the option to contemplate medication in college. It was not until the mid 1900s that wedded ladies could keep their occupations, and it was not until 1928 that ladies could contend in the Olympic, breaking the generalization that ladies couldn't be athletic. It was the pre-considered thoughts and early introductions that advanced these generalizations and obstructed their accomplishment. The last thing that controls a people early introduction is their perspectives on others. Many have set impacts on an individual without meeting and becoming more acquainted with the individual. One wellspring of numerous perspectives and sentiment is the media. It appears that whatever the TV reports or the article says the general population appears to follow. On the night that the OJ Simpson Bronco pursue was broadcast the media began to conjecture that he was blameworthy of the Ron Goldman/Nicole Brown killings. .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 , .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .postImageUrl , .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 , .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:hover , .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:visited , .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:active { border:0!important; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:active , .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:hover { mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-beautification: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6af6ade79a e0d17255726996e1076b69 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6af6ade79ae0d17255726996e1076b69:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hong Kong Sample Essay Instantly the United States, Canada and anyplace else that CNN pretense was partitioned on whether this American football legend carried out this ghastly wrongdoing. Despite the fact that the whole story was not known, that didn't stop the dissemination of bits of gossip, allegations and conclusions that affected nearly the whole world. Initial introductions have been around since the get-go. In any event, when Adam met Eve he had a type of view . The First Impression Essay Example For Students The First Impression Essay The First Impression Essay Pay close attention to me. No new charges. The all around prepped applicant yelled to his crowd. The group emitted in applauds and numerous Americans, this was their first dependable impression of prospective, President George Bush. He later proceeded to sign a bill actualizing the second biggest duty climb ever. The proclamation that won him one political race lost him the following. The American open made a drawn out judgment dependent on the early introduction of this presidential up-and-comer. After the discourse, the media dominated, advancing Bush, and giving the individuals who didn't hear the discourse an impression of the up-and-comer. As Americans discovered, believing a first judgment is a risky practice, for it doesn't take into consideration an unmistakable long haul judgment of the individual being referred to. The first impression is affected by numerous variables, for the most part the physical appearance, ones own past encounters and different people groups decisions. In reality, early introductions are hazardous, however they are likewise unavoidable, for it is a characteristic sense that each individual is brought into the world with. We will compose a custom article on The First Impression explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Take the exemplary banality ;You can't pass judgment flippantly.; Not all that matters is the thing that it is by all accounts. A youngster who was on a journey to wind up chose to do a trek over the United States. At the point when he arrived at the territory of Arizona, he gotten together with a man in battered garments, chaotic hair and needing a shower. In any case, the youngster fired up a discussion and saw this homeless person as very scholarly and wonderful man in spite of his appearance. As night moved toward each proceeded to look for cover for the evening, yet before they left the homeless person said ;You think Im a bum, am I right? Being honest the youngster answered Yes. I am actually a mogul, the wanderer admitted, I dress and live along these lines since I need to be taken for who I am and not my cash. The homeless person is a prime case of how appearances can be misleading. While appearance is a piece of an initial introduction, so is a people past. Encounters structure the past impact choices and initial introductions of the future. Take for instance the accommodation storekeeper that had numerous issues with young men shoplifting stock. He has lost confidence in high school young men also, will not confide in any high school kid, regardless of how legit he is, on the grounds that to the proprietor, every single high school young men are shoplifters. This feeling the proprietor has is risky supposing that clients don't feel confided in a store, they will in general take their business somewhere else. Another model is the basic generalization of ladies. More in the past than now individuals were encouraged what was a keeps an eye on work and what was a womans work. This even proceeded into the 1960-70s where shop class (wood work) was for young men and home financial matters was for young ladies. The womans development that turned out to be extremely radical in the 1960s and 1970s really began in the late 1800s where ladies won the privilege to contemplate medication in college. It was not until the mid 1900s that wedded ladies could keep their employments, and it was not until 1928 that ladies could contend in the Olympic, breaking the generalization that ladies couldn't be athletic. It was the pre-imagined thoughts and initial introductions that advanced these generalizations and upset their accomplishment. The last thing that controls a people first I

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Management information systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The executives data frameworks - Essay Example The outer personalities are outside the applications, however communicate with it to encourage the whole procedure. For instance, Kitchen is a noteworthy for the outside personality in the plan since it speaks to the wellspring of food to be requested. So as to make perfect the food requesting process, there must be clients who make orders. Clients are spoken to as outer personalities in the plan (Oz 65). The eatery must be overseen; along these lines, the chief personality is likewise spoken to as an outside character. From the food requesting framework, certain information components are spoken to in information streams. Food request is the data spoken to in the information stream from the principle framework to the kitchen. From the client character, another information stream speaks to the customer’s request while the focal point of the procedure needs to create a receipt back to the client. After the whole procedure, the administration report is taken to the eatery chief. This is spoken to in an information stream which contains the reports coordinated to the café director. The whole structure is a basic portrayal of a food requesting framework in a

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Help Yourself to Write Research Papers

How to Help Yourself to Write Research PapersThe first step towards helping to write research papers is to set aside a few hours. At this point, you will be in a good position to actually sit down and write the paper on your own. This is the point at which you will begin to feel much more confident and will soon see the good things you are capable of achieving.The second step is to write the introduction and the body of the paper. This should focus on summarizing what the paper is about and how it fits into the overall thesis statement. For example, if the paper is on marketing, the introduction would contain the goal and the audience for the paper and this should include the key values for the paper, how the researchers intend to use the paper, what questions they intend to answer and how they intend to address these questions.Next, the research paper should be written in a way that clearly sets out the main points the researcher intends to answer. This should explain the motivation for writing the paper as well as a plan for addressing the purpose. This is where you will explain how the research will take place and how the results of the research will be presented. You should also make clear why it is necessary to compile the information and present it in the form of a research paper.After the writing of the introduction and the body of the paper, the researcher should then take up the presentation part. This is the part that explains the way the paper is going to be presented and it should do so in a logical manner and in such a way that the reader does not get lost in it. It should first identify the research question and then follow it with the research methodology and the method used to collect the data and interpret the data. In the introduction, you should go over the key values that are relevant to the research question and should also explain the rationale behind them.The last part of the research paper is the conclusion and this should state in a con cise manner that the researcher is happy with the final paper. This is an area where the researchers will be able to give you an idea of their reasoning as well as the importance of the paper. At this point, the writer should make sure that the reader understands that they are allowed to reprint the paper with minor changes or additions.The final part of the research paper is the references. These are citations that can be added to a research paper for verification purposes and also in order to provide links to other websites. This is one area where you should try to avoid plagiarism by following the standard formatting rules.When you have read the research paper over again, there is one final section to include in the research paper. This is to discuss the format of the paper and give a summary of the details and the reasons why the researcher agrees with this format. It is a good idea to also discuss how the paper was written and why this format is preferred by the researcher.Foll owing these steps should help you write a research paper without having to be an expert researcher. The first step is to find a mentor who will be able to help you with the next step.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Air Test And Evaluation Squadron One Military...

Within the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One military organization, segments of the squadron come together and perform various tasks to support and fly aircraft to meet the organizational goal of operational test and development. In accomplishing this goal, the squadron incurs joint costs when people from multiple departments travel across the globe to perform mission objectives (Hicks, 2010). The squadron travel budgets are smaller ceiling appropriation allocations of the larger National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized by Congress and the budget division ensures financial resources are spent wisely during each fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) or operating period (Hicks, 2010). The travel division monitors spending on 23 funding lines totaling $1.17 million where each funding line, referred to as different colors of money, is obligated for a specific travel appropriation or purpose. To manage these costs, the travel division is responsible for arranging travel accommodations, processing travel vouchers and claims, tracking Government Travel Charge Cards (GTCC) charges, and validating allocation of funds. Budget preparations begin by predicting future year requirements such as off-site pilot and flight crew flight-testing, off-site pilot and flight crew training, professional schools, occupational training, conferences, and other official travel (C. Sacksen, personal communication, September 19, 2016). To assist in budget execution,Show MoreRelatedInformation Tech3113 Words   |  13 Pagesthe candidates skills, qualities, and traits to ensure they are commensurate to what the Army expects of a warrant officer one. He said that individual skills and leadership capabilities are tested along with transition training from being enlisted to officer. * Copyright  © 2013, Inc. WASHINGTON — Blacks have made great strides in the military since it was integrated 60 years ago, but they still struggle to gain a foothold in the higher ranks, where less than 6 percentRead MoreThe Rebirth of the U.S. Military Essay2757 Words   |  12 PagesThe Rebirth of the U.S. Military During this last half of the twentieth century the US military was under siege from all sides, internal and external. The root cause of this situation can be traced back to Vietnam and the governments lack of true commitment. What resulted was the near destruction of the US military. The military managed to come out in the end to become perhaps the best military in the world by completely reevaluating itself and reorganizing almost every aspect . The primaryRead MoreThe Naval Air Systems Command ( Navair )1805 Words   |  8 PagesMatt Boyne represented an opportunity to learn about the military as well as the gender dynamics that have constantly been discussed. Boyne discussed his experience as a Commander of Squadron VFA-94 Strike Fighter Attack, and commitment to the U.S. Navy for 25 years. He recalls the thrill of flying F/A-18, and becoming more knowledgeable of management systems, of which he now teaches at Point Loma Nazarene University. History - Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) NAVAIR Historian L. Drew states thatRead MoreThe Defense Budget Should Increase Military Spending2082 Words   |  9 PagesTo spend or not to spend, that is the question. America is torn, not sure whether it should increase military spending or if it should considerably slash the budget. Advocates for a higher defense budget claim more spending will lead to a stronger, better trained military, which would in turn help secure our status as the superlative military power of the world. However, supporters of the defense budget cuts argue for a reduction in troop size, which they believe would save the country billions andRead MoreIndustrial Safety Differences in Unmanned Aerial Systems3260 Words   |  13 Pagesthe combination of unmanned vehicle and all control, sensor, payload and maintenance elements necessary for mission accomplishment. Currently the majority of the UAVs operated by the United States are military assets, and as such are subject to policies, requirements and regulations of the military. These safety requirements will be briefly discussed. As unmanned systems are integrated into national airspace they will be operated in increasing numbers by civil operators, for this reason we willRead MoreDefinition and History of Industrial Psychology2947 Words   |  12 Pagesthe start of improving the workplace. It focused in on how people are different but was not very successful in helping with ones job. The second idea was experimental psychology. This branch attempted to treat everyone as the same and tried to define laws in how people are similar. It too failed. The third idea was scientific management. This was the idea that there is only one best way to perform a job. It was based on the fact that money is a motivator and left out the idea of job satisfaction.Read MoreFeb 2013Lesson 310 Facilities Engin eeringIntroductionKey Element4482 Words   |  18 Pagesconstruction, and maintenance of military installations, facilities, civil works projects, airfields, roadways, and ocean facilities. Providing and Maintaining Critical Infrastructure Facilities Engineering provides and maintains the critical infrastructure needed for both domestic and worldwide operations. This infrastructure includes system-specific facilities and the full range of other facilities needed to develop, test, produce, deploy, operate, and support the nations military capabilities. InterfaceRead MoreStress And Its Effects On The Mind, Body, And Environment8594 Words   |  35 PagesInstitute for Cognitive Therapy, 2009). Program Outcomes Program Outcome #1 Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of air transportation as part of a global, multimodal transportation system, including the technological, social, environmental, and political aspects of the system to examine, compare, analyze and recommend conclusion. Each individual in today’s society has at one point or another been stressed to some degree. A certain amount of stress is beneficial to the productivity of an individualRead MoreSecurity Forces51988 Words   |  208 PagesSTUDY GUIDE (SG) L3ABR3P031 0S1C BLOCK IV GROUND COMBAT SKILLS STUDY GUIDE Effective 17 February 2011 37 TRAINING WING 37 TRAINING GROUP 343 TRAINING SQUADRON LACKLAND AFB/ CAMP BULLIS â€Å"DOD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI)† Designed for AETC Course Use, Not Intended For Use on the Job Opr: 343d Training Squadron/DORT DSN: 473-6008 SECURITY FORCES APPRENTICE COURSE (SFAC) TECHNICAL TRAINING (TECH. TRNG.) STUDY GUIDE (SG) L3ABR3P031 0S1C SECURITY FORCES STUDYRead MoreNanotech 1AC Essay13565 Words   |  55 Pagesï » ¿1AC Version 1.0 Observation 1: SQ Observation One: The Status Quo First, Nano Development in Mexico is on the rise – it’s unregulated and risks spinning out of control Inter Press Service 2k12 (Tierramà ©rica, â€Å"MEXICO: Scientists Call For Regulation of Nanotechnology,† 03/12/2012,, AC) MEXICO CITY, Mar 12 (Tierramà ©rica).- Nanotechnology, which is currently unregulated in Mexico, could pose serious threats to human health

Friday, May 15, 2020

A freedom greater than freedom Essay - 2455 Words

It is a common misconception that those in power necessarily have more liberty than their less powerful counterparts. Intuitively, a country’s king has the freedom to act in more ways than the peasant, the rich have more options than the poor, the slave owner rules while the slave is ruled, and a government official often treads above the laws they pen for the people. However, there is a hidden assumption in this way of thought— that liberty is proportional to quality of life. From a pragmatic point of view, most would choose the life of the king over the life of the slave, the rich over the poor, the slave owners over the slaves, or the above the law status to the law abiding one, simply because the quality of life of one is so much†¦show more content†¦We begin with Hawthorne’s Puritan soap opera and one of its principal characters, certainly one of the most pitiful men in American literature, Mr. Arthur Dimmesdale (this is not to suggest that he is cr uel, sinful or wicked, merely that one can at most feel pity for the way he supports a way of life that crushes him). Within the limits of Boston in the mid-1640’s Dimmesdale, being a minister, is quite revered. His faith is envied, his audiences awestruck and his role as a leader in the community assured. If we define power to be influence over another, then Dimmesdale holds great power in both his words and actions. However, compared with others in his community, did he have more freedom? I mean by asking the question concluding the preceding paragraph to raise another question. Are freedoms only what one is allowed to do in the public arena? Or the private arena? Or in both? Certainly, our ability to speak out against a public official is one of many easily identifiable freedoms, but there are other freedoms that go mostly undetected. For example, it is by convention that one does not swear during a formal speech to an audience. Not only do almost all public speakers abid e by this convention, but most would not even think about breaking it. They are choosing not to swear, undoubtedly, but choosing to swear isShow MoreRelated The Ontological Argument Essay1446 Words   |  6 Pages The Ontological Argument nbsp; The Ontological Argument, put forth by Saint Anselm in his Proslogium, attempts to prove the existence of God simply by the fact that we have a particular concept of God - that God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived. Saint Anselm presents a convincing argument that many people view as the work of a genius. It is also quite often considered a failure because, in William L. Rowes words, In granting that Anselms God is a possible thing weRead MoreThe Awakening By Kate Chopin And The House On Mango Street1732 Words   |  7 PagesFreedom. A goal. A liberty. A myth. So many descriptions for a single concept. Yet the main idea is the same: to be free of restrictions, free to be whatever you wish. It is a life necessity, one that was, unfortunately, and still is, restricted throughout history, resulting in many chasing after its acquisition. Humans currently live in a time, in several nations, where freedom is a right, a necessity of life freely given. However, throughout history, freedom has been kept to only a minority, resultingRead MorePolitical Freedom: Arendt and de Tocqueville Essay1461 Words   |  6 PagesPolitical Freedom: Arendt and de Tocqueville Freedom in America emanates from the state of political freedom held by the citizens. Both Hannah Arendt and Alexis de Tocqueville provide criticism of the apparent shape freedom maintains in America as well as insight regarding how they perceive true political freedom. By using the observations and criticisms of de Tocqueville and the vision of Arendt, the position of modern America and its relation toRead MoreThe Expulsion of Freedom 1408 Words   |  6 Pagesbestowed with the blessings of freedom during their individual genesis on this fruitful planet, but this natural freedom is immensely circumscribed as it’s exchanged for the civil liberties of the State. He indicated that the supplanting of natural freedom is necessary for the obtainment of greater power for the greater collective community, but the prospect of obtaining superlative capabilities comes with the price of constraints. Yet this notion of natural freedom conflicts with Thomas Hobbes renditionRead MoreNel son Mandela Speeches779 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever looked up at someone because of their accomplishments? What about Nelson Mandela? He fought for freedom of people with different types of colored skin. Same with Harriet Tubman and how she risked her life for freedom. What about Malala Yousafzai and her amazing journey on schooling for girls all over the world? These people are amazing, but what did they do that was so incredible? Nelson Mandela was amazing because of his speeches and how he risked his life, and was inspiring to allRead MoreEconomic Freedom Wealth Essay1510 Words   |  7 PagesEconomic Freedom and Wealth Economic freedom is the ability for an individual to prosper with minimal intervention from government. In an economically free society, individuals are empowered to succeed or fail based on their own individual abilities. Higher levels of economic freedom lead to higher levels of economic growth and income. The level of economic freedom varies among different regions and countries across the globe. Thus, levels of prosperity and wealth also vary widely across the globeRead MoreBoth Mill And Nietzsche Would Argue That The Singularity1342 Words   |  6 PagesBoth Mill and Nietzsche would argue that the singularity of values, or preconceived, undivided ideas of truth, is an impediment to freedom. Nietzsche’s perspective further details how utility theory, as a method to determine freedom, inhibits freedom, as it appears to support the singularity of values. He would argue that prescribing a moral good of utility and saying that it is good for society as a whole, is promoting cultural specificity in that it assumes that one idea is good for everyone. NietzscheRead MoreThe Power and the Glory- Character Analysis in Terms of Freedom1114 Words   |  5 PagesThe lieutenant: The lieutenant is the priests main pursuer, charged and inspired to hunt him down no matter the means. He feels it is his responsibility to rid the state of religion in the belief that the people will have greater freedom in a secular world. On page 51, the lieutenant is resting on his bed deep in thought; â€Å"A complete certainty in the existence of a dying, cooling world of human beings who had evolved from animals for no purpose at all. He knew† The metaphor â€Å"dying, cooling world†Read MoreIt. Has Been Said That â€Å"The Engendering Impulse Of African1547 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica but in a broader outlook, having a different skin color other than white in America. There are specific works in African American literature history that exemplified African American resistance to human tyranny, specifically the need to freedom. African Americans focused most of their energy attempting to abolish the mistreatment and oppression they faced and a prime example that showed the need for freedom was the old negro folktale from the eighteenth century titled All GodsRead MoreFreedom in of Mice and Men821 Words   |  4 PagesTheme: Freedom In Of Mice and Men, freedom is not necessarily a central point of the novel. It is a subtle theme which is constantly being mentioned or related to. You have to read between the lines in order to understand how the characters speech links to the theme. George and Lennie: Candy: Candy is immediately drawn in by the dream in Section three of the book when he overheard George and Lennie talking about it. This is probably because the thought of freedom barely every came into his

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on China - 1403 Words

China The history of China is embeded with revolution and tension dating back to the feudal periods and the first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang Di in 221 B.C. The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in society has yet to be reached and most likely, never will. The proletariat is at the heart of the Marxist-Maoist approach to politics and the basic way of life for the Chinese masses considering that ...roughly 85% of the population is based in peasantry... While Marxism, as implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Nationalism have historically hindered the people of China; a growing need to conform to†¦show more content†¦The Chinese Communist Party was by no means a military power and it was unable to sustain itself and flourish in the Nationalist-controlled cities. The Kuomintang, a nationalist party was set out to unify China under one central government. The KMT had in its possession adequate means to quash the idealistic CCP and did so on a number of occasions. Some of which led to rebellions such as the Long March led by Mao Tse-tung. China, over history has experienced phases of both Nationalism and Sinocentrism, both of which can be damaging to a developing country attempting to compete economically in the global market. These ideas can relate back to the ancient religion of confucianism. Confucianism has been instramental in the shaping of Chinas leadership. Not only does it emphasize a rigid hierarchy kept in place by virtuous behavior. But it also holds that strict adherence to proper behavior actually leads to correct thinking. Accompanying Nationalism and Sinocentrism was rebellion and unrest. Twenty-four historic dynasties followed a common pattern of development. At the beginning of a new dynasty, a period of national unity under virtuous and benevolent rule flourished and usually was accompanied by intellectual excitement. AShow MoreRelatedThe Between China And China980 Words   |  4 Pagesfairness and impartiality in the justice system, which along with its capitalist economy, further differentiated itself from China. This concept of â€Å"one country, two sy stems† is an important element of Hong Kong governance, and by extension, its people. This represents a time when Hong Kong is slowly pulling its influence away from China. Due to its insulation from China that ran a communist government, Hong Kong was able to flourish as an international financial center under a free market economyRead MoreChina s Impact On China1181 Words   |  5 Pagesmany decades, China has always been technologically and economically ahead of Europe. The invention of gunpowder, printing, and the compass started in China and was later dispersed throughout Europe. These inventions changed China as much as they changed Europe. These inventions also caused a gap between China and Europe. By the late eighteenth century, industrial revolution first started its spread from Europe.The transformations within Europe began to further accelerate while China was falling behindRead MoreChina677 Words   |  3 PagesSui Dynasty (589 – 618 CE) was a short lived Imperial Chinese dynasty, preceded by the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It unified China for the first time after nearly four centuries of north-south division. It was followe d by the Tang Dynasty. Founded by Emperor Wen of Sui, the capital was Chang’an. His reign saw the reunification of Southern and Northern China and the construction of the Grand Canal, connecting the Yellow and Yangtze River for easy trading. The canal was used to carry riceRead MoreRural Life Of China And China1122 Words   |  5 PagesMaria Elena Granera Ms. Lopez AP Economics 7 November 2014 Rural Life in China â€Å"In China’s rural hinterland, where half the nation’s 1.3 billion people live, incomes are, on average, less than a third of those in cities† (The New York Times). Economically, rural China depends mainly on agriculture, but socially, sex inequality and diseases prevail in this part of the country. Villages, mostly populated by the country’s ocean of elders, are getting poorer while the cities are getting richer evenRead MoreMoney Frauds : China And China994 Words   |  4 PagesAgainst Money Frauds China is one of the countries that have the highest yearly rate of frauds. Although the China governments have uploaded many promotional videos on preventing the crooks, but can we really get away from the fraud base on those videos? The risk of fraudulent activity is increases every year in China. The China government should establish a special department to help people to prevent from the money frauds, because frauds are the problem that affects people a lot and also becauseRead MoreThe Guanxi Between China And China1741 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The Guanxi phenomena is exclusive to China and is very apparent in everyday life, it can be used in the personal dealings or at the business level. Guanxi concept is not completely alien to the rest of the world, it is apparent in a slightly different, more modest form. Most of people would be aware of bribery (it is an act of giving money or gifts that alters the behavior of the recipient), which would be someway linked to guanxi concept. The main difference is that bribery recognisedRead MoreChina s Rural Crisis : China1403 Words   |  6 Pagesexternal pressures that caused the eventual collapse of Qing society. Foreign imperialism highlighted China’s backwardness to its own citizens and, and also heightened the already existing conflicts within China itself. It directly challenged the cultural nexus of power, which held China together for hundreds of years. This system combined the imperial examination system, standard marketing community, language of lineage, and popular religions to promote the cultural form of governance. TheseRead MoreTrade Imbalance Between China And China1365 Words   |  6 Pagesnations in the eastern hemisphere. China was one of those nations. China was a nation known for isolating itself from outside influen ce, especially from the Europeans. Soon the Europeans began to grow jealous of China s bounty of enticing goods and resources such as porcelain, tea and silk. China on the other hand did not have any need for European goods. In pursuit to put a halt to the trade imbalance between the two nations, Britain started to smuggle opium into China. The reason behind this was becauseRead MoreTrade Imbalance Between China And China1674 Words   |  7 Pagesporcelain were much desired by European and had a huge demand in the Western market. In England, tea was the most desired Chinese good and trade in tea was very lucrative. However, this created a trade imbalance because Western goods had no market in China. China was a self-sustaining country and that make it harder for Western merchant to trade with them. Apart from that, the merchants had a hard time getting into Chinese market and had to deal through Chinese middlemen in Canton. At this point, the BritishRead MorePoverty in China1079 Wo rds   |  5 Pages12/3/14 Poverty in China FRIDAY October seventeenth was Chinas first official â€Å"Poverty Alleviation Day†, a yearly assembly of discussions and pledge drives, intended to rally deliberations to battle hardship. Obviously, because of Chinas quick financial advancement, the nation as of now assuages a great deal of destitution every day: a year ago the quantity of rustic poor fell by 16.5m or in excess of 45,000 individuals every day. However that still left 82.49m individuals stuck in country

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Experiences of Current and Former Members †

Question: Discuss about the Experiences of Current and Former Members. Answer: Introduction: According to the taxation ruling of TR 2010/1 Contribution spilling can be defined as the means of splitting contributions once in a year at the end of the fiscal year and transferring some of the amount to the account of the spouse (Barkoczy 2016). The is generally regarded as one of the useful methods of transferring amount it represents that an individual can be able to create balance amid each partner and can make the use of all the available tax incentives. Contribution splitting allows the members with the facilities of accumulation account in order to split the employer contributions along with some of the personal contributions with their spouse. There are few elements that needs to be considered in splitting the superannuation fund with the spouse that are as follows; Under the preservation age, irrespective of whether they are working or not; Amid the preservation age of 65 or not permanently retired. An individual can split the contributions with the husband, wife or a defacto who is living with them (Woellner et al. 2016). However it is worth mentioning that contributions cannot be split with a spouse who has attained the age of 65 or above. There are certain amount of rules under the contribution splitting schemes which are as follows Contributions that can be split: An individual can transfer the following contributions from their respective account in the account of their spouse which are as follows; 85 per cent of the employee (prior-to tax) contributions 85 per cent of the salary sacrifice (prior-to tax) contributions 85 per cent of the personal contributions for which an individual can claim deductions An important rule to be considered in this case is that contribution splitting can be only implemented for the contributions paid in the superannuation during the present or previous financial year. What contributions can be split? Government co-contributions Any form of investment earnings on the contributions Lump sum amount of transfers from the overseas super funds Any amount of money where an individual can roll over from another super fund Amounts that are subjected to conditions of family law As evident from the present case study it can be stated that Lillian and Boris have a combined sum of $600,000 within their self-managed superannuation fund named LaB SMSF. The maximum amount of before tax contributions Lilian and Boris can split is 85 per cent of the before tax employer and salary sacrifice contributions. The amount of 85 per cent is subjected to concessional contributions made for the financial year. Furthermore, Lillian and Boris will have to leave a minimum amount of $5,000 to be left in their respective account after the split unless they are closing the account entirely (Robin 2017). The minimum amount the couple can split is $5000 and the maximum amount the couple can split is the $510,000. Acquiring a property to rent out is considered as one of the popular forms of investment in Australia (Bird et al. 2016). Houses and units are much easier to understand than several types of investments as where and what Lillian and Boris acquire it will ultimately affect their return on investment. There are certain considerations and implications for making investment in the property. As evident from the present scenario purchasing and managing the property from the Self-managed Superannuation Fund as investment property for Lillian and Boris can be costly and will create an impact on the overall return. For Lillian and Boris some of the costs involved in the property investment comprises of the cost involved in stamp duty, conveyance fees and the legal cost involved in the ownership. Given the fund of $600,000 from their Self-managed Superannuation Fund whey Lillian and Boris own or acquire the property they will be accountable for the ongoing cost such as insurance, body corporat e fees, land tax, property management fees, repairs and maintenance costs. Certain considerations and implications in acquiring the property consist of less volatility of the property than investing in shares or other forms of investment for Lillian and Boris. In addition to this, there are certain considerations such as a large of the property expenditure can be offset against the income for the purpose of tax (Bird et al. 2016). Certain implications on acquiring the property is expenses such as stamp duty, legal fees and fees involved for the real estate agent in making and purchasing the property that will make it very expensive for Lillian and Boris. Implications such as loss resulting from the fall in value of property are generally known as negative equity. If Lillian and Boris continue to lease the commercial premises they must include the full amount of rent they earn in their income tax return. However, an individual can claim deductions for their related expenditure for the period the property is leased or available for lease. Generally Lillian and Boris can claim an immediate deductions for the expenditure related to the management and maintenance of the property. However, Cost incurred for acquisition and disposal of property are generally included in the cost base of the property acquired for the purpose of capital gains tax. Lillian and Boris can gain the access of the superannuation in their SMSF account if they; Reach the age of preservation at least 55 depending on the date of their birth and retire on permanent basis from the workforce Permanently retired if Lillian and Boris have the present intention of never again becoming gainfully employed for a period of 10 hours or more than that each week If Lillian and Boris reach their age of preservation and gain access of their super as the non-commutable pension If they reach the age of 60 and cease employment If they cease employment with the provisional employer and have preserved the benefit which is not more than $200 However, Lillian and Boris are required to meet one of the following early release conditions They are required to pay a release authority from the ATO Turn the age of 55 The maximum amount they can receive from the SMSF funds is $510,000 Tax implication of Lump sum Taxation of Super Lump sums Age Taxable component of taxed element Max rate of Tax 60 years and above Non-assessable non exempt income Preservation age to 59 First $195,000 (low rate of cap) 0% Balance beyond $195,000 (low rate cap) 15% Below the age of preservation Entire Component 20% Tax implications of Income Stream Taxation of Income Stream Benefit Age of deceased during death Type of death Benefit Age of benefit Max rate of Tax Untaxed Element Age 60 years and above Income Stream Any Age 0% NANE Marginal tax rate Less 10% tax offset Below the age of 60 years Income Stream Age 60 and above 0% NANE Marginal tax rate Less 10% tax offset Below the age of 60 years Income Stream Below the age of 60 Marginal tax rate 15% tax offset MTR (no tax offset) Cash flow is regarded as critical due to the fact that the pension payment can only be made in cash. Lump sum payment can be made either in the form of cash or in specie. Irrespective of the type of benefit withdrawals reduces the asset base (Bui, Delpachitra and Kristabela 2016). The laws necessitate the trustee to take into the considerations the liquidity of funds having regard to the anticipated requirement of cash flow. The minimum standards of pension offer the reference point for the necessary amount of cash flow in the SMSF. It is worth mentioning that where the cash flows are secured trustees might be exposed to the short term volatility of the market at the time of cashing benefits so that the trustee can make the necessary yearly pension payments. The couple Lillian and Boris will have sufficient income to service their income as the SMSF cash flows strategy will enable Lillian and Boris to address the key goals which will help them in; Ensuring that the necessary cash flow requirements are met They can invest in the growth assets to increase their balance available at the time of retirement Both Lillian and Boris will be able to exploit the opportunities for growth by controlling the downside risk. Reference List: Barkoczy, S., 2016. Foundations of Taxation Law 2016.OUP Catalogue. Bird, R., Foster, D., Gray, J., Raftery, A.M., Thorp, S. and Yeung, D., 2016. Experiences of Current and Former Members of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds. Bird, R., Foster, D., Gray, J., Raftery, A.M., Thorp, S. and Yeung, D., 2016. Who Starts a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund and Why?. Bui, Y., Delpachitra, S. and Kristabela, S., 2016. Expectations and experiences of self-managed superannuation fund trustees.The Journal of Developing Areas,50(4), pp.459-467. ROBIN, H., 2017.AUSTRALIAN TAXATION LAW 2017. OXFORD University Press. Woellner, R.H., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C. and Pinto, D., 2016.Australian Taxation Law Select: Legislation and Commentary 2016. Oxford University Press.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lady Mary free essay sample

In the piece written by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, she writes a letter to her daughter on how she believes her granddaughter should be educated. Lady Montagu discusses how knowledge affects a womans life in that time period. She also discusses how she feels a woman should be educated. In order to effectively communicate her views she uses rhetorical devices. â€Å"True knowledge consists in knowing things, not words. † Lady Montagu wants her granddaughter to â€Å"read books in their originals. † Books that are translated are always â€Å"corrupted† and â€Å"injured. In a woman’s education, English poetry plays a more important role than is â€Å"generally supposed. † Lady Montagu also wants her daughter to discuss with her granddaughter what the granddaughter reads. Knowledge for women, â€Å"besides the amusement of solitude, [moderates] the passions, and [learns] to be [content] with a small expense. † One of the rhetorical and stylistic devices Lady Montagu uses is contrast. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Mary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Through out the entire letter she is contrasting traditional views with non-traditional views. The very first line is a very non-traditional statement saying True knowledge consists of knowing things, not words. Again she compares traditional vs. non traditional in the statement about the reading. Reading books in the original language allowed a more accurate interpretation of the meaning but was a more non-traditional way compared to reading books that had been translated which often ruin the true meaning, which was the traditional way. Lady Montagu applies stylistic devices such as rhetorical devices which include parenthesis, an anecdote, formal language, voice, and tone. By using parenthesis in line 16 â€Å"†¦the second caution to be given her (and which is most absolutely necessary) is to conceal whatever learning she attains with solicitude†¦,† Lady Montagu interrupts the normal syntactical flow of the sentence. By doing this she shows how greatly she feels that her granddaughter must have a good education and not be foolish and ignorant in what she reads and how she interprets her readings. She also feels that education is very important, in general. Lady Montagu also shows this by using an anecdote about her education. She talks about her knowledge having saved a friend from â€Å"destruction. † Lady Montagu writes to her daughter formally. She is talking to her daughter, yet she uses formal language, most likely to show that she is well educated and knows how to speak properly. Lady Montagu’s voice clearly shows in her writing. She is passionate about not only her granddaughter’s education, but women’s education as a whole. She writes in a very didactic tone.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

music in the 80s essays

music in the 80's essays The 80s were very important years in music history. Known as the decade of excess, the 80s brought a more visual experience to music. From fireworks at concerts to MTV, the 80s made sitting next to the radio a thing of the past. Musicians became more into their image then ever before. The 60s were the natural, feel good music era. The 70s were the dance crazed disco era. By the time the 80s rolled around, people needed something new and crazy. Peoples hair was outrageous, and the 80s got the name, the big hair decade from this. Bright colors and flashy clothes were also the craze. Hair and clothes were a direct reflection of the music people listened to. I WANT MY MTV!! was the cry from thousands of teens during the 80s. MTV, otherwise known as music television, brought videos along with music to TV. MTV brought the artist closer to their fans by being in their homes and showing how they look, along with how they sound. The term VJ also came about when MTV needed host or, video jockeys instead of DJs. MTV became a place where unknown artists could become huge. Some of these artists are still known today like Madonna, Duran Duran, Devo, The Police, Prince, Michael Jackson, R.E.M., Public Enemy, and many more. The music video brought a new style of life to peoples homes. Hair and clothing were very much effected but also cars, sports, and other subjects were effected. After seeing rock stars drive American muscle cars in their videos, people went and bought Mustangs, Novas, T-birds, and Corvettes. Even sports stars wanted a part of music. Many athletes would be in videos to show their support to their favorite artist. The post-disco decade brought more wild music, and dancing to America. Rock and Roll was the biggest form of music at the beginning of the decade. Rock and Rolls fans were most ...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Business of Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business of Restaurant - Essay Example traditional structures and balances in the world business environment. Understanding of economic changes and forces in the domestic economy is also of vital importance as such forces have the most immediate impact. Other domestic economic variables are the level of unemployment, the rate of inflation and the level of domestic interest rates, which affect the potential return from new investments and can inhibit the adoption and diffusion of new technologies. Indirect factors like competitive firms can also pose a threat to the restaurants so their activities should be closely monitored. It is therefore vital that firms continually monitor the economic environment at both domestic levels. Economic changes pose a set of opportunities and threats, and by understanding and carefully monitoring the economic environment, firms should be in a position to guard against potential threats and to capitalize on opportunities. Restaurants are unique places where the service has to be there where the customer is located .It is seldom that people visit a restaurant to enjoy the delicacies. The location has an important role to play in the establishment of restaurant. The prime areas where the density is more has the probability to entice customers as your restaurant will be placed in the choice of the customers. The visibility of your restaurant will be more in densely visited areas like the public offices, main junctions, and places near tourist attractions where the human hits are more. The market research has to done to know the viability of the business in that area. The profitability of your business in that area should be ascertained. The number of probable customers should... Restaurants are the places where personalized food and beverage services are rendered. Type of service differs according to different factors. The restaurants are in a continuous state of improvement as it strives to become more effective and competitive. The sector is affected by many other factors by shifts in the economy. The ever changing demographics as globalization shows its mark demands differentiation in the business. Predictions show that the economy will improve and as a result, the hospitality sector must be geared up to meet the current demands. However, the business exists within an external environment consisting of the actions of other players who are outside the business. The external environment consists of: competitors, the economic and political system, the social system, the monetary system, the political/legal system, the environmental system. Restaurants are unique places where the service has to be there where the customer is located. The eating habits have be en changing as the demographics .The employees and youth were inclined more towards fast food culture, to have a quick bite and resume their daily activities. The number working employees have had increased which has opened up a new market. Consumer research through surveys and focus groups can help assess dining demand specific to a particular sector. Consumer segments include residents, daytime population, and tourists and visitors.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Future for Purchasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Future for Purchasing - Essay Example But the situation changed with the introduction of Information technology, which brought significant changes in the dealings of business operations. The package it provided to an organization to overcome the limitations of traditional purchasing is 'e-purchasing'. Viewing the importance of E-Purchasing the paper tries to bring about some information on e-purchasing but specifically focusing on what an E-Purchasing actually means, how it is carried out and its overall contribution to the business in the next decade. The introduction of information technology has brought dramatic changes in the business operations. In spite of the huge investments were fabricated by the business organizations in the action ability planning arrangement implementations they could not get appropriate advice for authoritative able business decisions. But the placing of 'e' in front of any process or function proved to be the magic formula for the untold success and the rapid returns for the organizations. One such example to give is E-Purchasing. E-Purchasing is considered as the basic component of an e- procurement capability. Through e-purchasing the business organization can automate and extend the manual buying processes right from the creation of the requisition through to payment of the suppliers (Biechler, 1997). Thus the process of using of internet facility by the business organizations for purchasing goods and services is referred to as e-purchasing. E-purchasing essentially involves the buying of goods and services via internet. In other words it can be told as a system using information technology to streamline the purchase of goods and services in order to reduce costs. The internet can perform all the steps required manually for performing the purchasing function including ordering, payment and delivery. To avail this so many online banking services have been introduced by the financial institutions such as electronic bill payment, and funds transfer, so that the business can improve its operational efficiency. In accession to this the business alignment can use e-mail as a accelerated and reliable way to acquaint with suppliers or to acquire and acknowledge to chump queries like quotations, information, acquire orders, assassinate deliveries, and aggregate ante from the customers. The e-business can also make the operations of business effective through the greater use of electronic bookkeeping and records management. Thus the supplies received through internet helps to reduce the storage cost and the space required for the goods in the business organizations and thereby serving the customers faster and more effectively (Chia, 1998). E-purchasing is usually referred to as a user-friendly, Internet-based purchasing arrangement that offers e-purchase adjustment processing and added authoritative functions to the buyers that after-effects in added operational efficiencies and abeyant amount accumulation to the business organizations (Breite, 2001). The e-purchasing ability provides the Business organizati

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Employee Benefit and Google Essay Example for Free

Employee Benefit and Google Essay Google, Inc. was ranked by Fortune magazine as the best place in the U.S. to work in 2009, and it has reached another zenith by becoming the most popular Web site. Google, Inc.’s goal of providing benefits and rewards is to â€Å"strip away everything that gets in our employees’ way† (Google, 2009). Google, Inc. provides a standard package of fringe benefits, but on top of that are first-class dining facilities, gyms, laundry rooms, massage rooms, haircuts, carwashes, dry cleaning, commuting buses – just about anything a hardworking employee might want. Schmitt states, â€Å"Let’s face it: programmers want to program, they don’t want to do their laundry. So we make it easy for them to do both† (Google, 2009). Google believes in providing both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. They understand that many humans are not motivated by pay incentives alone. Google Inc. believes in administering rewards and that good company culture is vital to company success, therefore, Google hired a Culture Czar. Google, Inc.’s CCO, Chief Culture Czar, Stacy Sullivan, is devoted to one thing—make Googlers happy. One way of maintaining Google, Inc.’s culture and keeping employees happy is administering the best perks and rewards (Culture, 2009). Along with its compensation and traditional extrinsic benefits such as free health and dental benefits, flex spending accounts, 401K plans, insurance, tuition reimbursement, and vacation packages, they also have very unique benefits. These unique benefits include maternity benefits up to 18 weeks off at approximately 100% pay. In addition, new mothers and fathers get Take-Out Benefits to help make things easier. They are provided with expenses up to $500 for take-out meals during the first three months that they are home with their new baby. Additionally, Google, Inc. provides back-up child care and in the Gift Matching Program, Google, Inc. matches contributions of up to $3000 per year from eligible employees to non-profit organizations. With Adoption Assistance, Google, Inc. assists their employees by offering financial assistance in the adoption of a child. Google, Inc. will reimburse employees up to $5000 to use towards legal expenses. Free lunch and dinner from gourmet chefs create a wide variety of healthy and delicious meals every day. Got the munchies? Google, Inc. also offers snacks to help satisfy you in between meals. At Google headquarters in Mountain View, California employees have the convenience of seeing a doctor on-site. Google, Inc. is pleased to provide its Mountain View employees with free shuttles to several San Francisco, East Bay and South Bay locations. At Google headquarters in Mountain View, there is on-site oil change, car wash, dry cleaning, massage therapy, gym, hair stylist, fitness classes and bike repair. Google, Inc. will reimburse an employee for buying a hybrid car, up to $5000. Google, Inc. provides other benefits, too many to list, but one can assume that their full-time culture czar is not finished inventing new ways to reward employees (Google, 2009). More than the extrinsic rewards, people who choose to come to Google, Inc. come for other reasons besides just the outward perks and rewards. They come for freedom.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Pete Rose Essay -- Baseball Hall of Fame Baseball Players Essays

Pete Rose Bart Giamatti’s decision to ban Pete Rose from the Baseball Hall of Fame was not a fair decision at all. Pete Rose was placed on Baseball’s ineligible list in 1989 when commissioner of baseball, Bart Giamatti concluded that Rose had bet on baseball games, including games involving his own team, the Cincinnati Reds. In an agreement made with Baseball, Rose accepted his banishment from the sport. Although he never admitted to having gambled on baseball games (Maury). Pete Rose was a phenomenal baseball player and manager. He was accused of gambling. His team while he was managing was supposedly involved. Bart Giamatti’s severe punishment of Pete Rose is a very controversial topic in the world of sports. There are a few rules that must have been followed to be inducted to the Hall of Fame. The one that is keeping Rose away is rule five. Rule five states: Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team or teams on which the player played (Maury). This rule has been tested and beaten many times. Many players have entered the Baseball Hall of Fame such as the very unlikable Ty Cobb, the drinking Babe Ruth, the umpire abusing John McGraw, the racist Cap Anson, Gaylord Perry a suspected cheater, and the gambling Leo Durocher. Those are just a few of the baseball players who somehow made into the Hall of Fame and got passed rule five (Ritter). Pete Rose’s problem was not even as severe as all of these other men. The argument to this is that if these men can make it into the Hall of Fame why is Pete Rose banned. It is obvious that these players made it there with just their playing abilities and not by all of the other characteristics needed to be inducted into the Hall of Fame (Maury). Pete Rose started playing professional baseball in 1960 in the minor leagues and by 1963 he reached the Major Leagues as a rookie second baseman with the National Leagueà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Cincinnati Reds. Rose won the National League’s Rookie of the Year Award for 1963. He spent most of his 24 year career playing with the Reds, Rose also played with the Phillies and the Expos. In 1985 Rose broke one of the most â€Å"unbreakable† records of all time, by passing out Ty Cobb for the most career hits ever (Sports Illustrated.). Rose holds many records, some of which are: most games played, most at bats, and mos... ...cardinal rule of baseball and bet on baseball games. The day after Giamatti banned Rose from baseball, Giamatti held a press conference. He said that the matter of Pete Rose is now closed. It will be debated and discussed. Let no one think Rose has hurt the game, it will pass, and the game will go forward. Bart Giamatti made it clear that Rose was forever banished from baseball and he will never have another chance (Ritter). When Pete Rose was place on the ineligible list in 1989, the Hall of Fame rule number three said that any player on Baseball’s ineligible list shall not be eligible for the Hall of Fame. According to the current version of Baseball’s rules, Rose can be eligible for the Hall of Fame by getting of the banishment list. No one in the history of Major League Baseball has been able to get off the list. Pete Rose can petition Baseball’s powers to get off the list. Once he is off the list, he can be considered for the Hall of Fame (Ritter). No on e is sure if it is Pete Rose’s goal in life to be in the Hall of Fame. It might be hard but it is possible that Rose can be taken off the ineligible list. If he really wants to be in the Hall fame, he has the chance (Ritter).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Never Defeated

Although these words may seem simple, the readers of this novel can learn so much from them. There is a significant difference between these terms, and Santiago thoughts. Words. And actions from the beginning to end of the novel are key examples of the differentiation. Santiago, the protagonist of the novel, is a wise old fisherman who has gone eighty-four consecutive days without catching a single fish. One would think that after so many unsuccessful days that Santiago spirit would be shattered, but day after day of the extensive fishing drought the old man refuses to let it bring him down. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color s the sea and were cheerful and undefeated† (Hemingway 10). Instead of giving up and quitting, Santiago decides to head back out into the waters and is set on changing his luck. On the eighty-fifth day, Santiago finds himself in a face off against an eighteen-foot long marlin; however, he is not able to bring the marl in in right away due to its large size and ability to fight back against him. The struggle between Santiago and the humongous fish goes on for what seems like a never ending three days.Santiago isn't Just up against the fish; however, but also is in a constant battle tit hunger, exhaustion, and deep cuts on his hands. Nevertheless, he continues to have faith, hope, and trust in himself that he will persevere and conquer all the challenges despite the circumstances. â€Å"It is silly not to hope. I believe It Is a sin† (Hemingway 104). After three tiring days, Santiago ends up catching the marlin, which was the biggest fish he had ever seen. Although he was in lots of pain, was exhausted, and felt beat up, he never once was defeated. After Santiago reels In the big fish, he faces another hurdle: getting home.The fight against the fish was a usurious task, but none of his struggles would compare to what he would have to fight through to get back. In order to obtain the marlin, Santiago had to thrust his harpoon Into Its side, which caused the marlin's blood to coat the waves. The fish blood attracts sharks, resulting In countless shark attacks that Santiago had to fight off. However, he still perseveres. â€Å"I'll fight them until the day I die† (Hemingway 115). After battling the sharks with any defensive object on board he could find, the only thing that is left of the marlin is its skeleton.All the meat from the fish that could eve Ted so many people was t tort the sharks. Santiago and a connection to the fish due to all the struggling they suffered through together; therefore, when the sharks are eating the marlin, Santiago feels destroyed as well. Although the sharks may have won over the flesh of the marlin, nothing could take away the victory of catching the great fish from Santiago. Santiago, like the fish, may have been a bit physically destroyed, but mentally he is never defeated. Even when it looked like all hope was lost, his bravery a nd dignity kept him going all the way to the finish line.Santiago accomplishment was something so permanent, that he became undetectable. Throughout the novel, Santiago faced many struggles, but he never lost hope and never gave up. His determination, work ethic, and positive attitude all led him to overcoming the greatest challenge he had and would ever face. Each and every moment, Santiago did whatever he had to do to the best of his ability in order to achieve what he wanted, no matter what troubles transpired. Even though challenges and struggles had the power to take away chances of Santiago success, his spirit remained undefeated, for he was going to always keep trying no matter hat.So many life lessons can be learned from this novel. Santiago quote, â€Å"A man can be destroyed but not defeated† (Hemingway 103), can be applied to one's life, Just like it is in the book. In order for Santiago to be successful he had to put his whole self into what he wanted and stand st rong when difficulty struck, Just like people today and in the past have to do. People can also learn that excuses must not exist in life because all they do is corrupt one's mind, making accomplishing something they want extend more out of reach. Finally, in life, as long as one's best effort is given at al times, nothing can bring them down.One may fall over and over again, but as long as they keep standing back up, they will never be defeated. Throughout life, people are presented with events to test how strong they truly are, Just like Santiago was. However, challenges open people up to opportunity and chances. If one puts their whole mind, body, and soul into something, they are bound to be successful in anything they do. Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, teaches readers so many lessons; however, the biggest they can take away from it is to never give up. Never

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Elder And Child Abuse Children And The Elderly Essay

Elder and Child Abuse Trina Gaston Lurleen B Wallace-ADN Program Mrs. Joy Butler Mental Health Clinical Instructors September 21, 2016 Elder and Child Abuse Children and the elderly are a dependent demographic. Their dependence on their caregivers for sustenance makes them vulnerable to abuse. Abuse can manifest in two forms physical and non-physical abuse. While the victims of aggressive attacks are easily identifiable leading to appropriate actions taken against the culprits, the majority of abuse incidences are latent. Therefore, it is extremely important for nurses to key and discern those types of signs and symptoms presented as possible child/elderly abuse. The rate of elderly abuse is set to surpass child abuse cases given that the United States is an aging nation. The nursing faculty should leverage the resources available such as a checklist to help determine neglect and suspected abuse. The majority of cases of abuse go unreported owing to the inability or fear of the victims to report their situation. Different states have variation from the federal regulations regarding handling abuse cases. The nurses are central in the fight against dependent abuse. The nurses are advised to discard their prejudices. They tend to cloud the nurses’ perceptions from identifying people in need, as they will often not fit the general stereotypes of a victim. The majority of the abuse incidences are perpetrated by relatives of the victims. In children, the abusesShow MoreRelatedIs Patient Abuse Or Neglect Of Individuals Who Are Under The Care Of A Health Care Organization?1601 Words   |  7 Pagespatient abuse is the mistreatment or neglect of individuals who are under the care of a health care organization (Pozgar, 2013). In the United States, the vulnerable populations for this abuse are the elderly and children. Patient abuse is not only in an institutional setting, but also at home. The rise of elderly patients has increased in recent years due to the aging of the baby boomers. Currently, 13% of the population is over the age of 65 (NCEA, 2014). Many cases of elder abuse is causedRe ad MoreElder Abuse and Nursing Ethics1802 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Elder abuse and nursing ethics Introduction Given the aging of the population, elder abuse has become more a prevalent and a more serious issue in recent years. Every year, an estimated 4 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological or other forms of abuse and neglect. Those statistics may not tell the whole story. For every case of elder abuse and neglect reported to authorities, experts estimate as many as 23 cases go undetected (Elder abuse and neglect, 2013, APA report:Read MoreComparing Elder Care Between The West And The East1153 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay will make an attempt to look at the differences in elder care between the west and the east. A test of people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. However, the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture. ― Abraham Joshua Heschel It is the intention of this paper to compare how elders are being treated both socially and economically in the westRead MoreElderly Abuse Essay examples807 Words   |  4 Pages Elderly Abuse Elderly abuse in nursing homes in America is an uprising issue. Elders make up a large portion of our population and they deserve the equality. This issue is very important because eventually this could affect you personally, or a loved one in your family. I stand for better environments in these nursing homes and find it terrible that elders get treated so poorly. The reason the number of reports on elder abuse has gone up so rapidly in the past decade is because the number ofRead MoreAging Is A Biological And Social Process1413 Words   |  6 Pagesof the elderly also differs dramatically across cultures. It is well documented that a great majority of Eastern societies identify old age as the epicenter for wisdom which means that they look after their elderly residents much better than many Western societies would. In 2013, China passed the â€Å"Elderly Rights Law† which tells adult children that they should never neglect or snub elderly people and visit â€Å"oftenâ⠂¬  even if they live some distance away from their parents. If adult children don’t complyRead MoreOld But Must Not Be Neglected1101 Words   |  5 PagesOld But Must Not Be Neglected The frail, tiny elder was discovered shivering and with sodden clothes in the impoverished Suizhong County, China. When the volunteers from the aid station found her, she hadn’t eaten for days, and lived in the corner of the street. She was ill, hungry and disheartened after her adult children refused to take care of her vulnerable mother. Mrs. Han lived her lives in blessed calmness with her family including her husband, two sons, three daughters and eight grandchildrenRead MoreElderly Abuse Prevention, Identification And Treatment Act1646 Words   |  7 Pages Elderly abuse Each year thousands of individuals are abused and neglected including elderly persons. Many have stated that because of their age, frailness leaves them vulnerable to society. The majority depends on their caregiver to meet their basic need because they cannot help themselves. According to the 1985 Elder Abuse Prevention, Identification and Treatment Act, elderly abuse is defined as â€Å"willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or cruel punishment withRead MoreThe Issue Of Elder Abuse And Neglect1455 Words   |  6 PagesThe issue of elder abuse and neglect is a significant health care issue, that need to be brought to the attention of society. Seniors who stay at home or in nursing homes are at more risk. Nurses should be aware of the signs and symptoms as well as resources in the community. By having a better understanding of these issues, nurses can recognize problems and help prevent the devastating effects of elderly abuse. Every elderly deserved the right to be treated with respect and protect from all typeRead MoreElderly Abuse And Domestic Violence918 Words   |  4 PagesElderly abuse is more and more becoming recognized, whereas before child abuse and domestic violence was way more viewed before elderly abuse (1). This epidemic problem has grown tremendously (1). Elderly abuse is when an older adult is being distress due to another causing deliberate harm to that person (1). Your rarely hear on the news about elderly abuse, but unfortunately elder abuse are increasing (2). The government has concern about this and is working on action on elder abuse they foundRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay1670 Words   |  7 PagesIn this paper I will be addressing the correlation that is between substance abuse and domestic violence. There are many factors that play a role in why domestic violence occurs in a home; this paper will be focusing on the factor of drug abuse in particularly. Early on in the course we learned that domestic violence does not only pertain to intimate partner violence but also to child abuse, elder abuse, and any other abuse of a person that occurs with inside the home. I will be providing research