Monday, September 30, 2019

Nishan E Haider

Nishan-e-Haider is the Highest Military Award of Pakistan, made of gun metal, captured from the enemy in the previous wars, with a green ribbon and a star with five points is awarded to soldiers who Show great feats of bravery and courage in war or on active duty. It is a coincidence that all recipients of â€Å"Nishan-e-Haider' gave away the most valuable thing they had – their lives – in the service of the nation and in defending the frontiers of the motherland.So far 7 officers (including one from the Pakistan Air force) and three men have been awarded with this gallantry award. Here is a brief account of these men, who would be remembered for their feats of courage, bravery and selflessness. ? Major Shabir Sharif was born in 1943 in village Kunjah (Gujrat) and was commissioned in 1964 in the Frontier Force Regiment. During the 1965 Indo-Pak war, Major Shabir Sharif was awarded with Sitara-e-Jurrat (the third highest gallantry military award) for his courage and bra very.In 971, Major Shabir's 6 FF Regiment, was ordered in December 1971 to capture high ground near Sulemanki Headwork defended by more than a company of the Indian Assam Regiment supported by a squadron of tanks. Major Shabir and his men after crossing a minefield and massive obstacles and killing forty three soldiers and destroying four tanks, Major Sharif and his men held two enemy battalions at bay for days. However, on 6 december, the Indians mounted a fierce attack supported by tanks.Assessing the situation to be critical and not taking any chances with the enemy, Major Shabir himself took over an anti-tank gun from his gunner and fired on the enemy tanks. While doing so, the enemy tank fired its main gun on Major Shabir's location, killing him in the afternoon of 6th December. Brave as he always was, he proved his mettle once again and was awarded with the coveted Nishan-e-Haider. Major Shabir is my favorite hero and i salute him for everything he did for my country Pakistan!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How are Marco and Rodolpho initially presented in A View From the Bridge? Essay

From Marco’s first appearance on stage it is clear that Miller intended to portray him as cautious and respectful. In the stage directions, Miller describes him as â€Å"suspicious, tender†. The use of the word â€Å"suspicious† tells us that Marco is aware of the dangers he and his brother face as immigrants and as such trusts very few people. The word â€Å"tender† supports this idea as it implies that Marco is being careful about what he says as well as being careful to not overstep any boundaries, an idea further supported by the fact that he either sticks only to one or two word answers such as â€Å"thank you† or just nodding. The way Marco has been presented shows that he is very careful by nature and as such will obey those who are in charge. This is first demonstrated after the brothers enter the apartment. After addressing Beatrice, the first thing that Marco tells Eddie is that when â€Å" you (Eddie) say go, we will go†. Almost immediately after meeting the Carbone family Marco states that he will obey Eddies commands and in doing so establishes a hierarchy, in which Eddie is at the highest point. When asked about the condition of life in Italy Marco responds by saying it’s â€Å"bad†. Though on the surface this seems like a very basic description when taken into context it displays just how horrible conditions are there. Marco states that his eldest son is â€Å"sick in the chest† and that if he had stayed â€Å"they (the children) will never grow up†. These sentences show the suffering present in Italy and the fact that Marco doesn’t explicitly refer to the possibility of his children dying and rather only vaguely hints to it shows the fact that while he knows that it is a possibility he refuses to accept it. So when Marco describes the situation as â€Å"bad† what Miller is doing is allowing the audience to imagine for themselves just how bad the situation is. This explains why Marco has come to the US; he is trying to support his family back home and ensure their survival. When Rodolpho first sees the house he exclaims that he thought the Carbone’s â€Å"were poor†. This implies that Rodolpho is seeing their house as very big compared to what he would be used to, which shows just how poor Rodolpho’s family are. Additionally the way Miller has Rodolpho speak this line shows a lot about his character; Miller presents him as excitable and naive through the fact that while Marco is being quiet and careful Rodolpho is talking loudly and being playful. This idea is added onto when Rodolpho answers Catherine’s question about her appearance by saying the â€Å"Danes invaded Sicily†. This is clearly intended to be a joke and shows that Rodolpho is being playful with Catherine, and also hints to the fact that Rodolpho might be attracted to her. Miller adds to Rodolpho’s childlike nature when he has him describe life back in Sicily. While Marco describes the negativities of life back home Rodolpho decides to make it humorous describing how everything in the town â€Å"you gotta push†. His forwardness shows how naive he is. This is further demonstrated when he describes his reasons for coming to America. Rodolpho states that â€Å"when [he] is rich† he will â€Å"buy a motorcycle†. The fact that he says â€Å"when [he] is rich† shows just how little he has thought the plan through. Eddie has been working in America his entire life and is nowhere near being considered being rich, while Rodolpho just assumes he will be. Additionally, his dream of owning a â€Å"motorcycle† is what could be described as a young man’s dream i.e. a person in their youth further adding to the idea that Rodolpho is very childlike. In the relationship between Marco and Rodolpho, Miller makes it clear that Marco is the one with the authority. This is first shown when Marco says to Rodolpho â€Å"Shh! Come†. In this line it is clear that Marco is commanding Rodolpho and since he follows Marco’s commands we can assume that this is normal for them. Furthermore it is Marco who knocks on the door of the apartment implying it is he who takes responsibility. When Rodolpho mentions how he wants to own a motorbike, Marco replies by saying â€Å"when you have no wife you have dreams†. The use of the word dreams suggests that Marco sees Rodolpho’s ambition as unrealistic and as nothing more than just childish wishes. Additionally it could show that Marco sees Rodolpho as not having any responsibilities as he does not have a wife. Furthermore when Rodolpho is describing his first singing performance he states on having lived â€Å"six months on that night† to which Marco â€Å"nods doubtfully† and responds that they in fact only lived two months off the performance. The hyperbole made by Rodolpho seems to confirm the idea of him being a childish figure therefore making Marco the adult figure in the relationship. When Eddie questions Rodolpho about whether or not he â€Å"want[s] to be picked up† Marco replies by rising and saying â€Å"no – no†. Marco’s dominance is displayed by the fact that he replies for Rodolpho and because of the fact that he does it so quickly. Additionally he then goes on to tell Rodolpho â€Å"you’ll be quiet† and the use of an imperative further demonstrated the dominance Marco has over Rodolpho. When Catherine sees Rodolpho she questions him â€Å"wondrously† about his complexion. Wondrously shows that Catherine is intrigued by Rodolpho’s appearance as well as possibly hinting to the fact that she finds him attractive and is curious about him. Furthermore she then exclaims to Beatrice that he is â€Å"practically blond† again showing her interest in him. Additionally Miller heavily suggests Catherine’s interest toward Rodolpho when she is described as asking him whether he’s â€Å"married too†. What this does is show to the audience that Catherine is very interested in Rodolpho and is already considering starting a relationship with him. When Miller describes Eddie as coming to â€Å"address Marco only† what he is doing is showing the audience the start of Eddies disapproval of Rodolpho. This all stems from the fact that in Eddie’s eyes he sees Marco as a real man, strong and masculine, whereas Rodolpho is seen as weak and effeminate. This is added onto when Eddie interrupts Rodolpho’s singing and says â€Å"we never had no singers here†. While this may just be concern for him it could also be interpreted as Eddie being jealous of all the attention Roldolpho is receiving and so purposefully stopped him. In contrast Catherine responds to Eddie’s interruption by saying â€Å"leave him finish†. The fact that Catherine, who had prior to this point been entirely dependant on Eddie’s opinions, goes against Eddie’s wishes is significant and shows just how deep her attraction for Rodolpho goes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of the Case Study Situation

This report is based on a case study of such a company which is going through a weak financial situation and the shareholders of the company want to sell out the company. This particular report analyzes the situation on the ethical ground. The situation of the company is analyzed based on the fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behavior. After the discussion, the conclusion is provided based on the findings and at the same time it is also mentioned in the conclusion that which step is ethically and legally suitable for the company for handling this particular situation.   According to the given case study, the company is suffering from such a situation in which the shareholders of the company want to sell out it but the managing director of the company wants to save the company by taking some illegal and unethical steps. The main problem of the company is its slow moving stocks, which are in the inventory for more than nine months. The stocks are already written down but in order to save the company and the employment of many employees, the managing director wants to save the company by selling stocks to the prospective buyers at an inflated stock value. The situation of the finance director is very critical in this situation. In one side, there are the lives of many employees and their families those are dependent on this company. However, on the other side, selling the stocks at an inflated rate and not recording their written down value in the yearend financial records is illegal. If this situation is analyzed on the basis of the fundamental principle of integrity, then it has to be said that the steps suggested by the managing director are not only illegal but also unethical. The principle of integrity suggests that the organizations must maintain the correctness and reliability at the time of preparing the financial records (Warhurst 2015). At the same time, it is also suggested by the principle of integrity that the employees of the organization are responsible for the recordkeeping. Di Pietra (2015) stated that integrity is the choice of the individual. The integrity within a human being et al. shows how much the person is ethical. Therefore, from the integrity point of view, if the written down value of the stocks are not recorded in the yearend record, then it will be unethical. At the same time, if the situation is analyzed with the help of the fundamental principle of objectivity, then also the suggestions of the managing director has to be considered as an unethical suggestion. The principle of objectivity suggests that the financial information and recording need to be independent and unbiased (Oraka and TO 2015). Like the principle of integrity, the principle of objectivity also suggests to maintain the reliable and relevant financial statements. Along with this, it also mentions that in order to identify the authenticity, the financial information of the company can be gathered from various sources. According to Himick et al. (2016), the principles of professional competence and due care suggest that the personnel must use their professional knowledge and skills at the time of providing their services. This principle also states that the professional needs to attain the professional competence and at the same time they need to maintain that also. At the same time, the professional must be careful about their activities because they are responsible to the activities done by them (Wachs 2015). Therefore, from this point of view, it can be said that the finance director of the company must use personal knowledge regarding the recording of stocks. The responsibility of the steps taken will be only on the shoulder of the finance director. Therefore, the finance director must be careful enough at the time of taking any final decision. On the other side, the fundamental principle of confidentiality suggests not to disclose any important information to the third party (who is not directly related to the main business) without having proper verification and appropriate authority (Cooper 2016). At the same time, this particular principle also suggests that any information related to the business should not be used for gaining any personal benefit. Therefore, as per the principle of confidentiality, it can be said that the finance director should not disclose the internal weak situation of the company to the external parties. However, at the same time the finance director must try to make the managing director understand that the suggestions given by he is unethical (Harrison and Van der Laan Smith 2015). Hence, it is the responsibility of the finance director to take ethical decision by maintaining the required confidentiality. The principle of professional behavior states that individuals must obey and act as per the legal or regulatory guidelines of the particular profession (Di Pietra et al. 2015). Along with that, the individuals must try to avoid any kind of action or behavior that shows the discredit in his or her profession (Harrison and Van der Laan Smith 2015). Therefore, if the particular situation is analyzed, then it must be said that the managing director of the company has not maintained the principle of professional behavior. However, the finance director of the company must act as per the principle of professional behavior. This will help to maintain the work ethics and at the same time this will save the finance director from any kind of legal issues.   In the above discussion, it has been identified that the internal financial situation of the particular retail company is not good. The stocks of the company remained unsold for several months and so it became a burden for the company. However, before few months, the company has written down the value of the old stocks. On the other side, by understanding the situation the shareholders of the company want to sale the business but the managing director wants to save the business anyhow.   The suggestions provided by the managing director to the finance director of the company cannot be undertaken as per the fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional behavior, confidentiality and professional confidentiality and due care. However, if the situation is analyzed from all the perspectives, then it must be said that if the company is sold out then many people those are the employee of the organization will be jobless. The families of the employees will face serious problem to survive. On the other side, if the finance director considers the suggestion of the managing director, then also the future of the company will be unsafe and at the same time, this will be a cheat with the shareholders and prospective customers of the company. Apart from these, if the finance director takes the suggestion of the managing director, then that will be also against the professional behavior and ethics. The whole responsibility of the situation will be on the shoulder of the finance director only. Therefore, in such a situation, the finance director of the company must conduct a meeting with the shareholders and managing director and must discuss about the situation in detail. The finance director must state each consequence those will take place if any of the two suggestions provided by managing director and shareholders is taken. If any better idea is not developed then the finance director must act according to the legal and ethical guidelines and in that case, the company must pay some amounts to its employees for the sudden close of the company.  Ã‚   Cooper, S., 2016. Faculty Review of Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective. Di Pietra, R., McLeay, S. and Ronen, J., 2015.  ACCOUNTING & REGULATION. Springer,. Harrison, J.S. and Van der Laan Smith, J., 2015. Responsible accounting for stakeholders.  Journal of Management Studies,  52(7), pp.935-960. Himick, D., Brivot, M. and Henri, J.F., 2016. An ethical perspective on accounting standard setting: Professional and lay-experts’ contribution to GASB’s Pension Project.  Critical Perspectives on Accounting,  36, pp.22-38. Oraka, A.O. and TO, O., 2015. The Impact of Professional Accounting Ethics in Quality Assurance in Audit.  International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,  5(8), pp.64-78. Wachs, M., 2015. Professional Ethics in Planning.  Readings in Planning Theory, p.464. Warhurst, J., 2015. A Study of Ethics for Accounting Students at East Tennessee State University Welfel, E., 2015.  Ethics in counseling & psychotherapy. Cengage Learning.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Philosophical JournalDiary reflecting one's own thoughts and opinions Essay

Philosophical JournalDiary reflecting one's own thoughts and opinions upon several topics. Details below - Essay Example In the above context, the opposite choice group feel that the decision of assisting in euthanasia is intention to kill. In contract, the pro-choice groups argue that the favouring of euthanasia is due to intention of achievement of good and comfortable death. In that context, the opposite choice group feel that the sanctity of life is above the autonomy of one's decision to live or die. While discussing about the dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable measures, Somerville Margaret (2002), argues that both sides are wrong as the dividing line lies somewhere in the middle of both the arguments. The balance of the arguments lies in the right of competent adults to refuse treatment, which is painful. The refusal for the treatment lies in the fact that it is their right to have a treatment that can relieve pain even it shortens the life. Hence, the argument void of right of refusal of the painful treatment does not give a clear logic about the Euthanasia irrespective of pro and anti arguments. 1 While discussing pros and cons of Euthanasia, one have to consider the modern Hippocratic Oath that is taken by medical students from 1964. In that, it is clear that a doctor should avoid the twin traps of over treatment and therapeutic nihilism. Here one can quote Louis Lasagna about nihilism, which is a doctrine that declares nothing can be known or communicated. As Louis Lasagna is against therapeutic nihilism, the doctor should consider the views and intentions of patient regarding Euthanasia and should think combining them with medical ethics. In addition the modern Hippocratic Oath on web site of Nova Onlilne ( states that, the duty of the doctor is to tread with care in matters of life and death. The doctor has to act responsibly in case of saving and taking life but with all humbleness and awareness. The above factor supports the idea of taking a life of patient on moral and humanitarian grounds without acting on god. Hence, as per the responsibility of the modern Hi ppocratic Oath, the administrations can allow Euthanasia in special cases that are according to norms prescribed in legislation. The modern Hippocratic Oath also states that "The doctor should treat a patient keeping in mind a sick human being but not a fever chart of a cancerous growth". The above quote states that the doctor should follow moral values and more technical while prescribing and emotional while treating. However, the emotions should not dominate the treatment, but they should guide the doctor up to the level maintaining morality about addressing the concerns of family and economic stability of the patient. According to above concerns in modern Hippocratic Oath, the pro choice groups can argue that the Euthanasia is reasonable if it relieves a patient from his painful sickness in the context of medical science is unable to treat him or relieve him of pain. Even in that inevitable situation, the question arises about the poor patient who suffers and cannot avail the benefits of medical science. In the above context, the role of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Health care information and resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health care information and resources - Essay Example Besides, her mother who is in her mid-forties is so slim that her figure could be that of those in their twenties. While Cynthia and her family eat the three regular meals a day, she goes further by snacking on sweets and pastries when watching the television or especially when she is upset and stressed out. The need to loose weight became even more fervent for Cynthia in the past days because her best friend has invited her to attend her birthday bash next month that was going to be a formal event. It would require everybody who is present to wear a gown or a formal dress. And there is no way that Cynthia will attend the occasion wearing a loose dress or gown. In her anxious move to become thinner in just a few short weeks, she sought the following sources on how she could take off the unwanted pounds: 1) websites – official and unofficial; 2) informal contacts: local therapist (Acupuncturist) and friends; 3) books. answers. One advised that she should not starve herself because force starvation slows down the body’s metabolism, which will result to not losing any weight at all (yahoo.answers, 2008). Another responded that she must eat five to six small meals spread over the day instead of three main big ones; and the choices of food must consist of fruits, vegetables and whole grains (yahoo.answers, 2008); while another counselled that she should not go on a diet due to the fact that she is still growing (yahoo.answers, 2008). She also read an article from a well-known weight lost website, and was able to gather more informative facts such as getting a doctor’s approval before plunging into weight loss programs and not setting her â€Å"sights too high† since small aims and objectives are more easier to attain (Scot, 2008). This is likewise supported by Pillinger 2007), who states in a website article that the best way to lose weight is to have measured alterations in term s of food and exercise.

Defending the minimum drinking age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Defending the minimum drinking age - Essay Example who had served as a president in a college previously. McCardell formed an organization named Choose Responsibility in the year 2006 but this organization and his efforts gained fame mainly in the year 2008. McCardell pushed for the fact that the age of drinking should be reduced to 18 and he claimed that this would provide for far more benefits than the existing law (Cloud 2008). McCardell’s stand has been opposed by many health professionals as well as community welfare organizations that support the society of Mothers against Drunk Driving and they uphold the advantages that this existing law has brought forward with the assistance of different researches and statistics (Dean-Mooney 2008). The legal age of drinking which is 21 years of age has been indicated to be one of the best policies of the United States of America owing to its success and the subsequent reduction in the car crashes as well as the reduction of deaths and other negative effects due to excessive consumpt ion of alcohol. The age of legal drinking which is set to 21 years of age has been supported by health experts. The issue of teen drinking has been a part of the society of the United States since the nineteenth century and this problem has been linked with social as well as health issues amongst the teenagers. It hampers the normal development of an individual if started at an early age and results in problems of the nervous system. The years of teenage are important owing to the fact that these years are essential for the proper development of the nervous tissue and in particular the brain. The consumption of alcohol in these years results in alteration of the normal cells of various parts of the brain which include the forebrain and the hippocampus. This affect results in altering the normal memory of these teenagers and their performance in studies decreases. Their ability of coordination and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically evaluate the concepts of the uncovered interest parity and Essay

Critically evaluate the concepts of the uncovered interest parity and covered interest parity conditions in explaining changes in exchanges rates. Discuss their - Essay Example The principal function of FEM is the transfer of funds or purchasing power from one country or currency to another. When we consider exchange rate determination, the factors that significantly concern time dependence, become extremely important. It is somewhat reflected in the interest rates which themselves are prices of present-future substitution (abstinence); this influences savings, consumption, demand for goods, and so, money (both domestic and foreign) and hence the related prices. Thus exchange rate being a price of foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency, becomes influenced by interest rate and inflation over time. The sections below are titled along sub-themes with a critical note at the concluding section. As stated above, the exchange rate is in turn governed by a currency's interest rate and hence the question of parity and differentials become extremely important. Interest rate parity is said to occur when deposits of all currencies offer the same expected return. Two types of such parity have been envisaged in the literature Covered and uncovered that we discuss below. In the floating exchange rates regime exchange rates are market determined. Since Early Mundell-Flemming days (i.e. early nineteen sixties), it has been established that the degree of capital mobility is crucial in determining the open economy macroeconomics of participating countries. In this context when perfect international capital mobility occurs, bonds that are free of default risk domestically become free of default risk internationally also. With capital mobility of this degree, domestic bonds become perfect substitutes of foreign bonds on which forward cover has been taken and arbitrage brings about equality between domestic interest rate i and foreign interest rate i* plus the forward premium on foreign exchange 'f '.This is covered interest rate parity (cip) given by : i = i* + f (1) 2.2 Uncovered Interest Parity A stronger definition of capital mobility incorporates additional criterion that attitude towards exchange risk be taken as risk neutrality because that is nearly common among investors and exchange risk is perfectly diversifiable. In that case speculation turns the forward premium into equality with the expected rate of appreciation of the foreign currency: f = [(Et+1 - Et) / Et]e (2) where E is the exchange rate that the price of the foreign currency in terms of domestic currency (superscript e refers to expected status of the associated variable).Then equation (1) changes into i = i* + [(Et+1 - Et) / Et]e (3) This is the condition known as uncovered interest parity (uip). 3. Relationship between Covered and Uncovered Interest Parity In the case of perfect foresight and perfect capital mobility the two conditions will be the same. The relationship between the two lies in the characteristic of future expectation orientation of the uip that one does not take care of in the perfect capital mobility, perfect information and perfectly rational expectations. Form empirical standpoint,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Develop a Product Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Develop a Product - Assignment Example The number of teenagers in the US will grow to 35 million by 2010 and teenagers will spend an average of $80 per week on themselves (The University of Georgia BOS/SBDC Applied Research Division). More and more companies are entering into this industry, however, none of them is targeting the youngsters. Therefore, starting a private health and beauty spot targeting educational institutes in California seems to be a very feasible option. California is the centre of various top educational institutes (Utexas, 2010). By starting a health and beauty spot for students, significant number of universities and schools can be attracted because of the higher competition among schools in California. The proposed Grooming Centre will only target the students from all age groups. An outlet will be established where all grooming and makeover services will be provided. Our centre will offer membership packages to schools, universities and colleges at discounted rates. When a university will become a member of our Salon, the students of that university will be able to take our services at very cheap rates. Grooming Centre and Salon aims to expand its business by getting more and more educational institutes as its members. This business will be a unique service-oriented idea because it will solely target students. Through Grooming Centre services, it is aimed to improve the lifestyle of students. Actually beauty, health medical and wellness were different industries (Robert). Robert also highlighted that 48 percent of the clients visiting salons and beauty clinics are below 35. However, through this new company, I aim to offer these services under one roof to the youngsters. Robert, Benjamin. Beauty Industry Developments Impacting Spa and Wellness. 19 May 2009. 8 October 2010

Monday, September 23, 2019

Nephrotoxic and Hepatotoxic Species of Mushrooms Essay

Nephrotoxic and Hepatotoxic Species of Mushrooms - Essay Example Mushrooms create helpful chemicals like amino acids and sugars from the decaying matters and feed on it (Triefeldt 42). In doing so, they enrich the soil and play an important role in the ecosystem (Triefeldt 42). More than 2000 species of mushrooms are known to exist (Pageaux and Larrey 827). However, as approximately 50 species of mushrooms are known to be poisonous for human beings, not all of them are safe to eat (Pageaux and Larrey 827). Hence, it is extremely necessary to distinguish between the mushrooms that are healthy to eat and mushrooms that are lethal for human life.  Ã‚              Human beings can obtain protein and vitamin B from mushrooms (Kemp 173). Benefits like boosting immune system and protection against cancer can be obtained from mushrooms (Kemp 173). However, these benefits can be availed only from those mushrooms that are not poisonous for health. The common varieties among the healthy mushrooms are the ‘button’ and ‘Portobello’ mushrooms (Kemp 173). Also, some of the other varieties of nonpoisonous mushrooms are ‘shitak,’ ‘common mycena,’ ‘parasol,’ ‘shaggy mane,’ ‘Mary russula,’ ‘edible boletus,’ ‘Aspen scaber stalk,’ ‘table mushrooms’ and ‘field mushrooms’ (Triefeldt 42). These are nonpoisonous mushrooms and hence, are not dangerous to health of human beings. However, there are other species of mushrooms which have the potential of not only affecting the human health negatively but also to cause death. Those species are discussed below.               In Western countries, one of the common emergencies in the medical field is the mushroom poisoning (Pageaux and Larry 827). The species of mushroom, known as ‘Amanita’ are the major cause behind most of the cases of mushroom poisoning in human beings (Pageaux and Larrey 827). The fatal phalloidian syndrome is also caused by mushroom species called ‘lepiota’ (Pageaux and Larrey 827). Health hazards like â€Å"abdominal pain, vomiting, weakness, hallucination or even death† can be caused to human beings if they eat mushrooms that contain chemical toxins (Triefeldt 42).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Explanations of crime deviance Essay Example for Free

Explanations of crime deviance Essay The right realist perspective on crime is mainly associated with the American sociologist W.J Wilson. This perspective became very influential on home office policy-making during the conservatives period in office. The right realist approach assumes that human beings are naturally selfish, individualistic and greedy. Therefore ther are naturally inclined to further their interest, even if this means comitting crime. They also believe the origins of crime are misunderstood, that is policies aimed at tackling crime by removing social and economic inequalities. Wilson noted that the Great Depression in the USA did not result in a rise in crime. Another right realist explanation is that the welfare state has undermined our sense of obligation to support each other, andthat community controls, i.e. informal controls imposed by neighbours, family and peer groups are breaking down. Right realists stress that attempts to explain the causes of crime should be abandoned and that sociologists should instead focus on finding practical solutions to slow the growth of crime. This developed the control theory. Hirschi argues that crime is opportunistic and anyone would commit crime if the situation was right and there was little chance of being caught. He says that sociologists should not focus on whypeople commit crime but why more people do not. He maintains that most people are rational in their choices and that there are controls that operate to make most people keep their actions within the bounds of the law. They are, Attachment- commitment to family relationships which could be threatened by criminal acts, Commitment- years of education, building a career, buying a home and aquiring a good reputation, all this could be lost by commiting crime, Involvement- some people are activley involved in community life as volunteers, parentgovernors for schools etc. all this would be jepordized by criminal behaviour. Right realists believe the way to control crime is to take practical measures to make sure the cost of crime outweighs the benefits. Left realists such as Lea and Young attempt to explain street crime in urban areas. Theirvictim survey of inner-city Islington showed that working class, black peopleand especially elderly women, had a realistic fear of street crime. Lea and Young argue that despite evidence of police racism, criminal statistics are largely correct as working classes and Afro-Caribbeans do commit the most crime. They agreed thatwhite-collar and crimes go largely undetected and under punished, they do not point out however that they do not have the same negative impact on society as crimes such as mugging or burglary.Lea and Young maintain the reason why working class and Afro-Caribbean people commit crime is to do with feelings of relative deprivation, such as comparing themselves to middle class or white youth with regard to life chances, living standards and income. Such groups feel frustrated with their lack of power. Negative treatment by the police and authorities leave groups feeling hostile and resentful, consequnently they are marginalized. Some mayform subcultures to help copewith the statusfrustration and marginalization. Hughes notes that left realists should be valued for the challenge they posed to radical criminologys thinking on the issues of intra-class and intra-ethnic crimes. Left realism has drawn attention to the brutalising effects of street crimes in the inner-city and the fact that some theories of crime have romanticised offenders, it has highlighted the effects of crime for victims, a group neglected by most theories of crime. It realistically acknowledges that the police amplify the presence of some groups in the criminal statistics through the use of stop and search, but points out that policing is quite rightly focusing on those groups most likley to commit crime. There is no emperical evidence to support the view that young working class or black criminals interpret their realities in the way described by Lea and Young. Research on the motives of offenders is required. Lea and Young do not really explain why the majority of working class and Afro-Caribbean youth do not turn to crime. Left realism only focuses on collective or subcultural criminal responses and does not explain crimes such as burglary, which are  commited by individuals rather than gangs. It focuses exclusivley on street crime and ignores other serious crimes such as fraud and it fails to account for oppurtunistic crime commited by adults.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Economic Growth Models and Standards of Living

Economic Growth Models and Standards of Living Essay which examines: 1) Whether economic growth models can explain (and if so to what extent) international variation in the standard of living, and; 2) Whether there is economic convergence, that is, whether poor countries tend to grow faster than rich countries. Introduction Economic is an important factor in the development of every country. For countries, economics symbolize national power. Economic growth brings high income, consumptions and investment and reduces the poverty. Many countries which were poor are becoming rich and powerful because of economic growth. Thats why people devote themselves to study economic growth. In Macro-economics, there are some economic growth theories, such as, classical growth theory, neo-classical growth theory and endogenous growth theory. Classical growth theory emphasizes the free market, which called invisible hand. An increase in GDP will increase the population. In long run, due to the limits of resource GDP and population will decrease. This theory consists of the views of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx. Neo-classical theory mostly relies on Solow model which states labour, capital and technology affect economic growth. Endogenous growth theory which primarily developed by Paul Romer and Robert Lucas expresses technology is exogenous factor and policies and institutions can influence growth. Different countries have different standard of living. This difference makes people in rich countries have better welfare, public institutions, goods and service. Nevertheless, nowadays, many poor countries also focus on economic growth. This essay will analyse different poor and rich countries GDP, real GDP and other data which explains the relationship between economic growth model and international variation in the standard of living and economic convergence. Theoretical Framework Robert M. Solow, an American economist, who was also a recipient of the John Bates Clark Medal in 1961 and the Nobel Memorial Prize Laureate in Economic Sciences in 1987, is best known for his endeavours on the hypothesis of economic growth. The Solow-Swan Neo-Classical Growth Model is an exogenous growth model where Solow isolated figures in economic growth into boosts in inputs, such as labour and capital, and technical progress and prompts to the steady state equilibrium of the economy. Solow model is an exogenous growth model of long-run economic growth. Three factors: technology, capital accumulation and labour force that drive economic growth. The model attempts to explain long-run economic growth by looking at the rate of saving [s], population growth [n] and technological progress = steady state. It assumes a standard neoclassical production function with decreasing returns to capital (and labour). Given these assumptions, Solow demonstrates that with variable specialised coefficient there would be a propensity for the capital-labour ratio to change itself through time towards balance proportion in his model. (Solow, 1970) Figure 1: Solow growth model diagram (, 2017) Whether the initial ratio of labour to capital is more, then labour and output would grow slowly than capital and vice versa. This growth analysis is convergent to equilibrium path the steady state to begin with any capital-labour ratio. Given exogenous s, n and g (rate of tech progress) and a Cobb-Douglas production function: Figure 2: Solow model derivation (Weil, Mankiw and Romer, 1992) According to Mankiw, Romer and Weil, s (savings) and n (population growth) determine steady-state level of income per capita [(f(k*)] ={(n+ÃŽÂ ´)/s} k*). Steady state capital-labour ratio related positively to rate of saving and negatively to rate of population growth. (Weil, Mankiw and Romer, 1992) MRW paper (1992) analyses that an Augmented Solow Model which includes accumulation of human and physical capital provides an excellent definition of the cross-country data. As long as any given rate of human capital accumulation, higher s or lower n leads to higher f(k*) and thus a higher level of H*. Human capital accumulation may be correlated with s and n, leading to omitted variable bias. Figure 3: Production Function (Weil, Mankiw and Romer, 1992) Using cross-country data, study finds s and n affect income in directions predicted by Solow, however; it does not correctly predict magnitude, effect on saving and income growth is large, the Solow model cannot account for international differences in income. Moreover, assumes omitted variables exist (human capital accumulation physical capital), estimated impacts of saving and labour force growth much larger than model predicted. Equation for income as a function of the rate of investment in physical capital, the rate of population growth and the level of human capital: Figure 4: Equation for income (Weil, Mankiw and Romer, 1992) The major part of the cross-country development literature that alludes to the Solow model has utilised a determination where international differences in the capital-output ratio are due to steady-state differences in output per person for a constant level of technology. The MRW paper shows that Solow model does not predict convergence and does not explain long run differences in growth rates, it predicts that income per capita in a given country converges to steady-state value of the country. (Weil, Mankiw and Romer, 1992) The Solow growth model correctly predicts the directions of S and N, but it does not correctly predicts the magnitudes. Convergence is slower in the augmented Solow model than in the textbook Solow model. Differences in saving, education, and population growth should explain cross country variation, but it can also explain most of the international variation. Over time there will be further inclusion of other variables as well as population growth, saving and human capital which will explain the cross-country differences, for example: tax policies, education policies, tastes for children and political stability. ANALYSIS Empirical Analysis Mankiw, Romer and Weils study explored determinants of standard of living in relation to the Solow growth model by investigating the following dimensions (Mankiw, Romer and Weil, 1992): Higher saving rate countries results in higher real income. Highly populated countries result in lower real income. (Assuming g and ÃŽÂ ´ are constant across countries). The effect of savings and population growth on real income forms the basis of the principle speculation of the Solow growth model. Recall, the computed steady state income per capita is: where ÃŽÂ ± is the capital share in income and indicates an income per capita elasticity in terms of the savings rate of approximately 0.5, and an elasticity in terms of population growth or (n + g + ÃŽÂ ´) of approximately -0.5. One of the main assumptions here is that g improvement with respect to technological progress, is constant across countries. As this improvement is not country accurate it is assumed that g is constant. Another assumption is the rate of depreciation ÃŽÂ ´ to be constant across countries as well mainly due to the lack of data in relation to variation of depreciation rates across countries. We will assume as value of g + n equal to 0.05, which is same assumption made by Mankiw, Romer and Weil in their paper (1992).ÂÂ   In the computed steady state of income per capita equation, the term A (0) illustrates various factors such as institution, technology, resources, climate and since these factors varies across countries, we must equate it: , where corresponds to country-specific shocks and is a constant. (Mankiw, Romer and Weil, 1992) Thus, by taking the log of the computed steady state income per capita equation at a given time- t, becomes the following: Like Mankiw, Romer and Weil, we need to assume that s and n are independent of the term . In other words, the average share of real investment in real GDP and the average population growth rate of a given country is independent to country-specific shocks. Based on this assumption, by accounting for the Ordinary Least Squares method, the values of coefficients of the fundamental equation can be estimated. Mankiw, Romer and Weil illustrated three reasoning for the independence assumption, that is, where s and n are independent of the term . (1992) First, savings and population growth rate are considered endogenous variables in any economic growth model. Second, according to Mankiw, Romer and Weil, many economists have presented casual verdicts regarding the association between savings, income and population growth. Third, as the model speculated the value as well as the signs of the coefficients of savings and population growth, the OLS method will allow testing for salient biases. Recall, in the right model the coefficients or elasticities of Y/L are approximately 0.5 with respect to s and approximately -0.5 with respect to (n + g + ÃŽÂ ´). Now, the joint null hypothesis for testing the model is- the Solow growth model and identifying assumptions are accurate. And the alternate joint hypothesis is- the Solow growth model and the identifying assumptions are inaccurate. If, the magnitudes of the elasticities are dissimilar to approximate values of the identifying assumption then we reject the null hypothesis. This would also mean that the Solow growth model is inaccurate and cannot account for variation in income across countries with respect to savings and population growth. H0 = The Solow growth model and the identifying assumptions are accurate. Ha = The Solow growth model and the identifying assumptions are in accurate. By running the Ordinary Least Squares method on the fundamental equation stated above, we fit a regression line that will estimate the coefficients of s and (n + g + ÃŽÂ ´). Reporting from Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992), conditional convergence is an occurrence that the Solow growth model can speculate by limiting or controlling the factors of the steady state. Recall, the following equation will be used to run regression in order to determine for conditional convergence without human capital: Data, Empirical Methodology and Definition of Variables The data collected from the World Bank Organisation, Penn World Tables and the U.K. Data Service comprises of one dependent variable and two independent variables. The dependent variable is the log of GDP per capita and the independent variables are- log of average share of real investment in real GDP and log of average rate of growth of the working age population (15 years 64 years). The sample size is; n = 162 and the data is a cross-sectional data for the year 2007 and 1970 separately. A subsample of the data is also tested this subsample refers to the countries which form a part of the Sub-Sahara Africa region. The sample size of the subsample data is 30. (Refer to Appendix A) The following variables of the whole sample data are the following: Real GDP per capita for 1970 and 2007 respectively (Y/L: real GDP divided by the population in 1970 and 2007 respectively) Average growth rate of GDP per worker for the period 1970-2007 (Growth GDP/Worker: computed as ((GDP/Worker07)/(GDP/Worker70))(1/37) 1 ) Growth rate of population during the period from 1970 to 2007 (n: computed as ((population07/population70))(1/37) 1 ) Average investment share of real GDP per capita during the periods 1970 and 2007. (Sk: percentage share of real GDP per capita) A multivariable regression examination will be carried out on the fundamental equation stated above and a restricted regression will be carried on the same equation in order to estimate the magnitudes and signs of the coefficients of s and (n + g + ÃŽÂ ´) using Ordinary Least Squares. The OLS method does this by minimizing the difference between the observed values and the speculated values which are forecasted by the linear approximation of the data. This method is used by economists and analysts to test economic models, econometric models, and hypothesis testing using real world data. (Koutun and Karabona, 2013) The software Microsoft Excel is used to run regression analysis on the data. The Excel output will comprise of a 95% lower and upper bound confidence, in addition to the standard errors (s.e.e.), adjusted R2 and p-values which are of importance to us. A restricted regression analysis will be performed on the fundamental equation. The restricted equations without human capital is the following: ÂÂ   (without human capital) In the restricted regression analysis, the mean of the F-statistics will be accounted for as this will help us gauge whether the fit of the restricted equation is notably or not notably dissimilar from the not restricted equation. We anticipate values of both the equation to be similar, thereby the equations should also be similar, and then we can conclude by not rejecting the null hypothesis. The R2 is also known as the Coefficient of Determination which is a measure of the Goodness of Fit which describes how efficiently a model fits all the observation in a sample and can be used to predict values based on the model. The adjusted R2 is useful to check whether the addition of a variable in a model is enhancing or disrupting the model. The fit ranges from 0 to 1, and the value approaching 1 indicates a good fit. (Koutun and Karabona, 2013) The variables that are defined in Table 1 will be used in the regression analysis. Variable Definition Natural log of real GDP per capital in 2007. Natural log of average investment share of real GDP per capita during the periods 1970 and 2007. Natural log of average growth rate of GDP per worker for the period 1970-2007. The sum of technological growth and depreciation equal to 0.05. Population growth rate. Technological growth (exogenous) Capital depreciation rate. Empirical Results One of the main principles of the neoclassical Solow growth model is that a certain country attains its steady-state level of income per capita at a point where the savings rate is higher while the population growth rates, technological growth rates and depreciation of capital rates are lower. Hence, based on this principle, from the regression estimation, the following is anticipated regarding the coefficients: Positive Savings Rate coefficient. Negative (n + g + ) coefficient. Values of the coefficient ln(s) and ln(n + g + ÃŽÂ ´) should be equal in magnitude and opposite in signs. Recall, that both, the basic Solow Growth Model as well as the extended Solow Growth model are estimated by regressing the natural logarithm of real GDP per capital in 2007 to the natural logarithm of average investment share of real GDP, which is also the considered the savings rate, and the population growth rate. The estimation outcomes of the basic Solow growth model are documented in Table 2.ÂÂ   Refer to Appendix B, C, D and E. In both the samples, the coefficient of savings rate and the coefficient of the sum of population growth rates, technological advancement rates and depreciation rate have signs as anticipated. Accounting for the t-test, we also find that, in the Sub-Sahara Africa countries sample, at 5% level of significance, the savings rate that is the coefficient of ln is highly statistically significant. However, for the sample the coefficient of ln(n + g + ÃŽÂ ´) is not statistically significant. For the whole sample, both the coefficients of the estimates are not statistically significant at 5% level of significance. In addition, as per Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992), the coefficient of the restricted regression estimate should be equal to the coefficient of ln(s) in the unrestricted estimation, holds true for both the samples in our estimation. An assertion made by the Solow growth model, which is that differences in technology accounts for the cross-country differences in labor productivity or income per capita is refuted by the regression estimated for both the samples. Notice that the Adjusted R2is approximately equal to 0.303 and 0.272 for the whole sample of countries and the Sub-Sahara Africa countries respectively. The small value of the Adjusted R2 suggests that the assertion made by the Solow model is contradicted, as most of differences in income per capita is explained by both the variables in this case. This small value of the coefficient of determination could also be due to the exclusion of some important variables in the sample data. In the steady state of income per capita, implied ÃŽÂ ± which refers to the capital share in income has a value of 0.489 and 0.488 for the whole sample and the Sub-Sahara African countries sample respectively. These values are appreciably close to the predicted values of incom e per capita elasticities which is equally to 0.5 and -0.5. Hence, the model does not significantly refute the speculation that capital share in income should be approximately one third. The regression of real GDP per capital for 2007 on average share of real investment in real GDP and population growth rate can, to a great extent, rationalize the variation in real GDP per capital i.e. income. However, as the implied ÃŽÂ ± values are not significantly high as well as not equal to predicted value of being equal to one third i.e. 0.33, one cannot conclusively conclude that the basic Solow growth model is highly successful. Absolute Convergence Model: According to the convergence theory the per capita income of richer economies is likely to grow at a slower rate in comparison poorer countries. This phenomenon can be attributed to the strength of the capital diminishing returns which is stronger in developing countries, like Brazil, India, Senegal and Mexico, in comparison to developed countries like Canada, Denmark, France, New Zealand and Australia. Based on this model, income is most likely to be negatively related with growth in income at time zero during the period of the sample, 1970-2007. We anticipate the sign of the logarithm of real GDP per worker to be negative and a high regression coefficient. Table 3: Test for Absolute Convergence. Refer to Appendix F and G The coefficient of the natural logarithm of income per worker for the whole sample has a negative sign as predicted, which is support of the convergence theory, however, in the Sub-Sahara countries sample, is does not have negative sign, in contradiction to the convergence theory. The positive coefficient of the income per worker variable for Sub-Sahara countries could also indicate while doing the test of the convergence theory, the sample needs to include some developed countries, unlike the sample of Sub-Sahara countries, in which most of the countries are either developing or underdeveloped, the support for the convergence theory cannot be tested entirely using this sample of countries. In addition, the low coefficient value of the whole sample, that is, -0.0607 also suggests that this value is not entirely statistically significant. The coefficient of determination is low in both the sample, which also indicates a weak goodness of fit for this estimation. Graph 1: Unconditional Convergence, the Whole Sample. Graph 2: Unconditional Convergence, Sub-Sahara Africa In Graph 1 and Graph 2, the x-axis represents the logarithm of real GDP per worker in 1970 while the y-axis represents the growth in income per worker during the period 1970-2007. The graphs are plotted to indicate the existence or non-existence of unconditional convergence in the whole sample of countries and the countries in the Sub-Sahara Africa sample countries. To conclude the presence of unconditional convergence we anticipate a downward-slopping trend line from left to right. Graph 1 exhibits a downward slopping trend line indicated by the black solid-dotted line which is support of the presence of convergence in the sample of countries. However, Graph 2, exhibited an upward slopping line, which is against the convergence theory. Conditional Convergence: Without Human Capital The regression coefficients are estimated by reviewing the equation (1.2); we regress the difference in the logarithm of real GDP per capita during the period 1970 to 2007 on the logarithm of real GDP per capita in 1970, also considering the savings rate and the population growth rate in the equation.ÂÂ   The sign of the coefficients is as anticipated- the savings coefficient is positive while the population growth coefficient is negative. The coefficients of the income level in 1970, the savings rate and the population growth rate are significant for both the samples. Table 4: Test for Conditional Convergence without human capital. Refer to Appendix H and I. In absolute values, the coefficient on population growth rate is greater than the coefficient on savings rate, indicating that the lower income per capita needs to spread over a larger population thereby reducing income per capita itself. Conclusion Under the principle of neoclassical Solow growth model, the regression estimation of the whole sample and Sub-Sahara we found that at 5% level of significance, the coefficient of ln(s) is highly significant while ln(n + g + ÃŽÂ ´) is not significant in Sub-Sahara and in whole sample, coefficients are both not significant. The small value of Adjusted R2 states the assertion of Solow model is contradicted. Additionally, in the steady state of income per capita, implied ÃŽÂ ± which is closed to the predicted value indicate the model does not strongly contradict the speculation that capital share in income is approximately equal to 1/3. Although the regression of real GDP in 2007 rationalizes the variance, the hypothesis, the basic Solow model which is significant successful cannot be verified because of implied ÃŽÂ ±. With regard to convergence, based on convergence theory, we calculate the logarithm of real GDP per worker. The whole sample supports the convergence while Sub-Sa hara rejects the convergence. However, the coefficient of the whole sample which is low indicates the value of coefficient is not significant. Under unconditional convergence graph, the coefficient prove the weak goodness of fit for estimation. Setting a condition of convergence, which is without human capital, the coefficients of the income level in 1970, the savings rate and the population growth rate are significant. Word Number: 3281 Bibliography (2017). File:Solow growth model1.png Wikimedia Commons. [online] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 Mar. 2017]. Koutun, Alina and Patrick Karabona. An Empirical Study Of The Solow Growth Model. MALARDALENS HOGSKOLA ESKILSTUNA VASTERAS. N.p., 2013. Web. [Last Accessed 9 Mar. 2017]. Mankiw, G. N., Romer, D., Weil, D. N. (1992, May). A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2), 407-437 Solow, R. (1970). Growth theory: an exposition. 1st ed. Oxford: Clarendon, pp. Appendix A: Appendix B: Regression, the Whole Sample Appendix C: Restricted Regression, the Whole Sample Appendix D: Regression, Sub-Sahara Africa Appendix E: Restricted Regression, Sub-Sahara Africa Appendix F: Unconditional Convergence Test, the Whole Sample Appendix G: Unconditional Convergence Test, Sub-Sahara Africa Appendix H: Conditional Convergence Test, the Whole Sample Appendix I: Conditional Convergence Test, Sub-Sahara Africa

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Instant Messaging Essays -- Essays Papers

Instant Messaging Instant messaging is a tool used by a vast majority of Internet users. This new tools has some advantages and some disadvantages. IM is used a lot of the time in education. It’s used for recruiting and admissions, student-faculty communications, library consultations, group projects, and immediate feedback, and discussions during lectures. Businesses are also finding instant messaging useful, as well as the deaf community. Some of the disadvantages are that teachers don’t feel comfortable using IM, instant messaging might interfere with students work, and viruses can be passed via instant messaging through links. Instant messaging seems to have a more positive side than negative. Instant messaging has many benefits and that’s why so many people use it today. Instant messaging can happen instantly. One doesn’t have to sit around and wait for a response like with e-mail. Someone stated that, â€Å"You can check to see if a pal is online and available, key in a â€Å"Wassup?† and you’re chatting away† (Reid, 2004). Also, IM has a big impact on students. With instant messaging they’re able to, â€Å"create, join, leave, and rejoin at will what the Pew Internet group calls â€Å"virtual study groups† (Woods, 2002). There are always some communication delays because of dinner interruptions or a favorite television show may be on. A high school girl stated that, â€Å"Not only do I research online, but I also use it for chatting with people for school. If I forget an assignment or need assistance on a concept I cannot grasp, the Internet is an easy way for me to get in touch with a peer who might be an aid to me† (2002). If a student has a teacher’s screen name than he or she can get imm... ... American Life Project. Retrieved March 25, 2004 from Ebsco Host: Reid, Goldsborough. (2001). Instant Messaging for Instant Communications. Black Issues in Higher Education, 18. Retrieved March 25, 2004 from Ebsco Host: Robinson, Stacey. (2001). Morris Library serves students with instant messaging system. Retrieved March 22, 2004 from Woods, Bob. (2002). Digital Divide between Students and Educators? Retrieved March 24, 2004 from Yared, Diala. (2002). Instant Messaging. Retrieved March 28, 2004 from

New Developments in Genetic Cloning :: Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Argument

New Developments in Genetic Cloning      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since genetic cloning is a very wide topic, the focus of my paper lies mainly on the new discoveries which might be beneficial to human beings.   The focus of the first section of the paper is on the various cloning techniques geneticists use nowadays.   They techniques included range from the simplest and suitable for all situations, to complicated and suitable for certain areas.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second section of the paper, the longest section, discusses five of the many researches performed over the last five years.   The researches are arranged in descending chronological order, dating from February 1997, to April 1992.   These researches are discussed because they all have one thing in common: they may be beneficial to human beings later on.   For example, the newest entry in my paper, and perhaps the one that shocked the whole world, was the report about the first successful clone mammal from non-embryonic cells.   This will be helpful in the future for patients waiting for organ transplants.   Scientists will be able to clone a fully functional organ, and replace it with the damaged one.   The report on the cloning of the human's morphine receptor is advantageous to us because this helps scientists to develop new analgesics.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The third section of the paper contains a brief discussion about the advantages and the disadvantages of genetic cloning.  Ã‚   It speculates how our future will improve due to the technologies we are developing, and also the biggest drawbacks which might come from it.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last part of the paper, is the explanation of complicated terms used in this paper.   The terms which will be explained are printed in bold terms throughout the paper.   This section, the glossary, is like the ones which appears in textbooks.    New Developments or Research in Genetic Cloning         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Genetic cloning is one of the many aspects which has been recently introduced to improve our quality of live.   Researchers are trying to improve our lives everyday applying genetic engineering onto our everyday lives.   Cows can be genetically altered to produce more milk, receptors in our body could be cloned to improve our health.   The techniques and new research reported in this paper is just one tree out of the whole forest of genetic engineering.    Part I:   Techniques of Genetic Cloning      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Geneticists use different cloning methods for different purposes.   The method used to identify human diseases are different than the method used to clone a sheep.   The following are used techniques in genetic cloning.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Recombinant DNA      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In recombinant DNA, the desired segment is clipped from the surrounding DNA and copied millions of times.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Causes of the Showa Restoration :: Historical Periods Showa Restoration Essays

The Causes of the Showa Restoration Sonno joi, "Restore the Emperor and expel the Barbarians," was the battle cry that ushered in the Showa Restoration in Japan during the 1930's.Footnote1 The Showa Restoration was a combination of Japanese nationalism, Japanese expansionism, and Japanese militarism all carried out in the name of the Showa Emperor, Hirohito. Unlike the Meiji Restoration, the Showa Restoration was not a resurrection of the Emperor's powerFootnote2, instead it was aimed at restoring Japan's prestige. During the 1920's, Japan appeared to be developing a democratic and peaceful government. It had a quasi-democratic governmental body, the Diet,Footnote3 and voting rights were extended to all male citizens.Footnote4 Yet, underneath this seemingly placid surface, lurked momentous problems that lead to the Showa Restoration. The transition that Japan made from its parliamentary government of the 1920's to the Showa Restoration and military dictatorship of the late 1930s was not a sudden transformation. Liberal forces were not toppled by a coup overnight. Instead, it was gradual, feed by a complex combination of internal and external factors. The history that links the constitutional settlement of 1889 to the Showa Restoration in the 1930s is not an easy story to relate. The transformation in Japan's governmental structure involved; the historical period between 1868 and 1912 that preceded the Showa Restoration. This period of democratic reforms was an underlying cause of the militarist reaction that lead to the Showa Restoration. The transformation was also feed by several immediate causes; such as, the downturn in the global economy in 1929Footnote5 and the invasion of Manchuria in 1931.Footnote6 It was the convergence of these external, internal, underlying and immediate causes that lead to the military dictatorship in the 1930's. The historical period before the Showa Restoration, 1868-1912, shaped the political climate in which Japan could transform itself from a democracy to a militaristic state. This period is known as the Meiji Restoration.Footnote7 The Meiji Restoration of 1868 completely dismantled the Tokugawa political order and replaced it with a centralized system of government headed by the Emperor who served as a figure head.Footnote8 However, the Emperor instead of being a source of power for the Meiji Government, became its undoing. The Emperor was placed in the mystic position of demi-god by the leaders of the Meiji Restoration. Parliamentarians justified the new quasi-democratic government of Japan, as being the "Emperor's Will." The ultra-nationalist and militaristic groups took advantage of the Emperor's status and claimed to speak for the Emperor.Footnote9 These then groups turned the tables on the parliamentarians by claiming that they, not the civil government, represented the "Imperial Will." The parliamentarians, confronted with this perversion of their own policy,

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Internationa Marketing

The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ Premium International Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ PremiumCoca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis t hrough considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes rowth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦ Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them.This is called the differe ntiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ Premium Report Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company eport is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market. The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketin g Strategies The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternational Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys intern al analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is call ed the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Gl obal Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternational Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pep si try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The C oca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternational Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Co ca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The repor t is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternational Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola Interna tional, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is ba sed on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternational Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscrib e to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternational Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized t o form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer prefe rence and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Col a Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦ PremiumInternati onal Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275). If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Review shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca- Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales. The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them. This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and hence†¦ PremiumReport Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Di ploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company report is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market.The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally The Coca Cola Companies Marketing Strategy Runninghead:COCA-COLA COMPANY'S MARKET 1 The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Duane T. Quesnoy Jones International University†¦Premium International Marketing Mix used to convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal And External Factors from the soft drink frontiers of Asia to the sophisticated markets of North America†¦ -At present, our main product, ‘Coca-Cola', is now sold in over 135 countries†¦ Premium Coca-Cola Target Markets store in a town, the policy of undifferentiated marketing is unlikely to be cost-beneficial (Lamb et al. , 2011, p. 275).If Coca-Cola plans to open a new subsidiary†¦ Premium Coca Cola Internal Analysis operations without dealing with many market dynamics. Conclusion An analysis of the Coca Cola Companys internal analysis through considering the Resource based†¦ Premium Coca Cola Commercial Marketing Revi ew shows Coke having 17% of the Market Share where as Pepsi only had 9. 5% . Coke shows having almost twice that of Pepsi. Coca-Cola Co. in 2010 once again topped†¦ Premium International Marketing Mixes growth stage, the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales.The marketing mix may be modified as follows: Product – New product features and packaging†¦ Premium Coca Cola Essay/ International Company uses strategies in order to compete in the completive market, Coca-Cola International, Market Segmentation, the Cola wars and finally, discuss the unit case†¦ Premium Corporate War – Pepsi And Coca Cola Keshauntae Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey Comparision between their Marketing Approach: Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi try to market as part of a life-style†¦ Premium Coca Cola different segments by separate offerings to them.This is called the differentiated marketing strategy. Coca-Cola is quite popular in the younger group and henceâ⠂¬ ¦ Premium Report Detailing How Coca Cola Are Marketing Themselves Ethically Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit 18: Planning a Business Event assignment brief 7 2010-2011 Tutor: Mrs†¦ Premium Coca Cola Marketing Mix Manager: 2010 FIFA World Cup Project Team, Coca-Cola South Africa. All Coca-Colas marketing initiatives subscribe to a carbon neutral policy it made its debut on†¦ Premium International Marketing Plan For Coca-Cola Company eport is based on the International Marketing Plan that conducts to introduce global firm, Coca-Cola Company into Malaysia market. The report is consisting of four†¦ Premium Marketing Coca Cola Drink RESEARCH. 2. Developing the right MARKET MIX. Businesses (The Coca Cola Company) carrying out market research to identify customers needs. This can be done†¦ Premium Coca-Cola And Its Global Marketing Strategies and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globali zation. Coca-Cola is an internationally and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally

Monday, September 16, 2019

Aspects of Human Nature in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad Essay

Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness encompasses many themes and concepts dealing with the very nature of humanity and its complexity. This novel is set up in two different locations, the Thames River and the Congo River. Conrad uses these two rivers to represent the different cultures that clash in this novel, which are the â€Å"civilized† and the â€Å"savages†. While exploring these two different worlds Conrad exposes the human nature at its core through the characters in this novel proving that not everything is straightforward and is at it seems. The Thames River located in Southern England represents the advanced European world. In this novel the Europeans regarded themselves as civilized and cultured. On the other hand, Conrad embeds numerous dark intense imageries to describe this â€Å"enlightened† culture such as violent, death, brooding gloom, and more. While the Congo River represents the uncivilized native inhabitants that are described as â€Å"utter savagery† (Conrad, 1990, p. 4), but the nature that surrounds the Congo is described as mysterious, glittering, and precious. The contrast of these locations and representations reveals different aspects of human nature. One un-admirable quality of human nature that is shown is pride. The European characters in this novel had the mentality that they were superior to the natives. Because of their superior status they felt that European Imperialism and the stations set up were meant for â€Å"humanizing, improving, instructing† (Conrad, 1990, p. 29) the uncivilized savages. Instead these civilized European men â€Å"Christianizing† and trying to conform the natives to their standards they have succumb to the darkness within the jungle displaying their true nature. Another aspect of human nature shown by the ironic descriptions of the â€Å"civilized† and â€Å"uncivilized† locations is man’s destructive nature. There were numerous events in this novel that portrayed man’s destructive nature due to ulterior motives. An example that destructive behaviors are apart of human nature is when Kurtz raids countless tribes for ivory for the very purpose of gaining wealth and power. Another example of man’s destructive nature is when numbers of â€Å"pilgrims used to turn out in a body [hippopotamus] and empty every rifle they could lay hands on at him. Some even had sat up o’nights for him. † (Conrad, 1990, p. 25). These men waited for and wasted shots just to kill an old and innocent creature not for survival purposes, but for amusement. Conrad enforces the concept of mans destructive nature in the beginning of the novel when he is describing the â€Å"civilized† world. An example on page one Conrad describes the scenery of this â€Å"superior† civilization as â€Å"The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless†¦ † Later on in the novel Marlow reads Kurtz pamphlet and is led to believe that Kurtz is not another greedy, self – serving, and power crazed individual like the many characters he has met up with on his journey, but that Kurtz shares the same beliefs that he does. Marlow’s belief that the purpose of European Imperialism in Africa was to improve the culture and to benefit them equally rather than cause chaos for their own personal gain. Marlow’s excitement to meet Kurtz based off his pamphlet and how well everyone speaks of him is an example of how not everything is straightforward. Kurtz wrote his pamphlet in a way that intrigued Marlow and convinced him that they shared the same beliefs, but when Marlow finally met Kurtz he realized that Kurtz is ill physically and mentally. Trickery and inconsistency is embedded within human nature. As much as one would like to believe that humans are consistent and honest, that is not true and apparent in this novel. The main character is not exempt from human tendencies of inconsistency. Earlier on in the novel Marlow states, â€Å"I hate, detest, and can’t bear a lie,† (Conrad, 1990, p. 23). On the other hand at the end of the book he lies to Kurt’s intended to give her sense of peace and saves her from more pain and grief. Though his reasoning is not selfish he still went against his own beliefs and proves inconsistency. Throughout this entire novel Conrad introduces several European characters that portrayed so many non – admirable qualities such as greed, arrogance, envy, vengeance, sloth, and much more. Yet they are considered the â€Å"civilized† ones. Ironically the cannibals and the other natives in this novel show more admirable qualities such as loyalty, hard work, obedient, strong will, and most importantly restraint. While the civilized men were plotting against one another thinking only of themselves the natives displayed much more honorable character. For example, the native tribes that pledged their loyalty to Kurtz were obedient and remained loyal. They would accompany him on expeditions and kill on his command. Another example of honorable qualities portrayed by these â€Å"uncivilized savages† was restraint. The cannibals that assisted Marlow on his journey had been starving for months and never made a move to attack their fellow crew- members. These â€Å"heathens† displayed true character in this situation because â€Å"It takes a man all his inborn strength to fight hunger properly. It’s really easier to face bereavement, dishonor, and the perdition of one’s soul – than this prolonged hunger †¦ no earthly reason for any kind of scruple. Restraint! †¦ the fact facing me – the dazzling fact. † (Conrad, 1990, p. 38). Through the novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness† Conrad portrays and exposes human nature at its best and at its worst. Conrad embeds irony throughout the entire novel to show that not everything is as it seems and that when involving humans there are contradictions. The main point that Conrad is conveying to his reader is that technological advances do not make a culture superior or civilized, but rather the moral code that they live by. There is not one culture superior to the other. Also that each human being is responsible for their own civil or savage behaviors. What makes one civilized is based off of what they do when no one else is around and how they react to any given situation good or terrible. This novel served as a warning from Conrad of man’s true darkness and the â€Å"human secrets that baffle probability†. (Conrad, 1990, p. 37). One is not civilized based on where they grew up, but their reactions to the world they live in. To be civilized is to act with morality, but to be a savage is to embrace the heart of darkness.